Create ASP.NET MVC 4 Project with RavenDB

In this section we will go over the steps to creating you own ASP.NET MVC4 Application.

Step by Step Instructions

1) Make sure you have ASP.NET MVC 4 installed.
2) In visual studio and create a new "ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application" project.
3) As Project template select "Basic".
4) Add the NuGet Package named "RavenDB Client".
5) Create the following controller:

public abstract class RavenController : Controller
	public static IDocumentStore DocumentStore
		get { return DocumentStoreHolder.Store; }

	public IDocumentSession RavenSession { get; protected set; }

	protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
		RavenSession = DocumentStoreHolder.Store.OpenSession();

	protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
		if (filterContext.IsChildAction)

		using (RavenSession)
			if (filterContext.Exception != null)

			if (RavenSession != null)


	protected HttpStatusCodeResult HttpNotModified()
		return new HttpStatusCodeResult(304);

	protected ActionResult Xml(XDocument xml, string etag)
		return new XmlResult(xml, etag);

	protected new JsonResult Json(object data)
		return base.Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

6) From now on write you application as you would normally but Inherit from RavenController in any controller you want to contact RavenDB

Example of a controller:

public class HomeController : RavenController
	// GET: /Home/

	public ActionResult Index()
		var items = RavenSession.Query<SampleData>().ToList();
		return View("Index", items);

	public ActionResult Add(string name)
		var sampleData = new SampleData { CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow, Name = name };
		return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = sampleData.Id });

	public ActionResult Edit(int id)
		var sampleData = RavenSession.Load<SampleData>(id);
		return View("Index", new List<SampleData> { sampleData });