
Server statistics

One of the options available for the RavenDB administrators is a capability of retrieving database statistics for the server. The statistics are available at /admin/stats endpoint.

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/admin/stats"

Document with following format is retrieved:

		"TotalNumberOfRequests": 1573,
		"Uptime": "00:03:08.5002420",
		"LoadedDatabases": [
				"Name": "System",
				"LastActivity": "2012-12-14T13:21:03.0212875Z",
				"Size": 1056828,
				"HumaneSize": "1.01 MBytes",
				"CountOfDocuments": 1,
				"RequestsPerSecond": 0.0,
				"ConcurrentRequests": 1.0
				"Name": "ExampleDB"


  • TotalNumberOfRequests - number of requests that have been executed against the server
  • Uptime - uptime of a server
  • LoadedDatabases - list of current active databases containing:
    • Name - database name
    • LastActivity - database last activity time
    • Size - database size in bytes
    • HumaneSize - database size in a more readable format. This value will be in KBytes, MBytes or GBytes depends on the actual Size
    • CountOfDocuments - number of documents in database
    • RequestsPerSecond - number of request per second
    • ConcurrentRequests - number of concurrent requests

Database statistics

To obtain database statistics one must use /stats endpoint.

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/stats" //statistics for 'system' database
   curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/databases/ExampleDB/stats" //statistics for 'ExampleDB' database

Executing one of the above actions will end up in getting a document in the following format:

		"LastDocEtag": "00000000-0000-0600-0000-000000000001",
		"LastAttachmentEtag": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
		"CountOfIndexes": 1,
		"ApproximateTaskCount": 0,
		"CountOfDocuments": 2,
		"StaleIndexes": [
		"CurrentNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch": 512,
		"CurrentNumberOfItemsToReduceInSingleBatch": 256,
		"Memory": {
			"DatabaseCacheSizeInMB": 0.25,
			"DatabaseTransactionVersionSizeInMB": 0.19,
			"ManagedMemorySizeInMB": 11.68,
			"TotalProcessMemorySizeInMB": 143.35,
			"MemoryThatIsNotAccountedFor": 131.23
		"Indexes": [
				"Name": "Raven/DocumentsByEntityName",
				"IndexingAttempts": 1,
				"IndexingSuccesses": 1,
				"IndexingErrors": 0,
				"LastIndexedEtag": "00000000-0000-0600-0000-000000000001",
				"LastIndexedTimestamp": "2012-12-17T12:07:55.2670000",
				"LastQueryTimestamp": null,
				"TouchCount": 0,
				"ReduceIndexingAttempts": null,
				"ReduceIndexingSuccesses": null,
				"ReduceIndexingErrors": null,
				"LastReducedEtag": null,
				"LastReducedTimestamp": null,
				"Performance": [
						"Operation": "Index",
						"OutputCount": 1,
						"InputCount": 1,
						"Duration": "00:00:00.0221447",
						"Started": "2012-12-17T12:07:55.2715387Z",
						"DurationMilliseconds": 22.14
		"Errors": [
		"Triggers": [
				"Type": "Put",
				"Name": "Raven.Database.Plugins.Builtins.InvalidDocumentNames"
				"Type": "Put",
				"Name": "Raven.Database.Plugins.Builtins.Tenants.ModifiedTenantDatabase"
				"Type": "Put",
				"Name": "Raven.Database.Server.Security.Triggers.WindowsAuthPutTrigger"
				"Type": "Delete",
				"Name": "Raven.Database.Plugins.Builtins.Tenants.DeletedTenantDatabase"
				"Type": "Delete",
				"Name": "Raven.Database.Server.Security.Triggers.WindowsAuthDeleteTrigger"
				"Type": "Delete",
				"Name": "Raven.Database.Plugins.Builtins.Tenants.RemoveTenantDatabase"
				"Type": "Read",
				"Name": "Raven.Database.Plugins.Builtins.FilterRavenInternalDocumentsReadTrigger"
		"Extensions": [
				"Name": "IStartupTask",
				"Installed": [
						"Name": "RemoveBackupDocumentStartupTask",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
						"Name": "CleanupOldDynamicIndexes",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
						"Name": "CreateFolderIcon",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
						"Name": "DeleteRemovedIndexes",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
						"Name": "DeleteTemporaryIndexes",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
				"Name": "AbstractReadTrigger",
				"Installed": [
						"Name": "FilterRavenInternalDocumentsReadTrigger",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
				"Name": "AbstractDeleteTrigger",
				"Installed": [
						"Name": "DeletedTenantDatabase",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
						"Name": "WindowsAuthDeleteTrigger",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
						"Name": "RemoveTenantDatabase",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
				"Name": "AbstractPutTrigger",
				"Installed": [
						"Name": "InvalidDocumentNames",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
						"Name": "ModifiedTenantDatabase",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
						"Name": "WindowsAuthPutTrigger",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
				"Name": "AbstractDynamicCompilationExtension",
				"Installed": [
						"Name": "SpatialDynamicCompilationExtension",
						"Assembly": "Raven.Database"
		"ActualIndexingBatchSize": [
				"Size": 1,
				"Timestamp": "2012-12-17T12:07:55.2705358Z"
		"Prefetches": [


  • LastDocEtag - last added document Etag
  • LastAttachmentEtag - last added attachment Etag
  • CountOfIndexes - number of indexes in database
  • ApproximateTaskCount - approximate number of current database tasks
  • CountOfDocuments - number of documents in database
  • StaleIndexes - index names of stale indexes
  • CurrentNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch - initial value is 512 for 64-bit systems and 256 for 32-bit. Depending on the load can be auto-adjusted. Used by database indexer.
  • CurrentNumberOfItemsToReduceInSingleBatch - initial value is 512 for 64-bit systems and 256 for 32-bit. Depending on the load can be auto-adjusted. Used by database reducer.
  • Memory
    • DatabaseCacheSizeInMB - size of database cache (in MB)
    • DatabaseTransactionVersionSizeInMB - current size (in MB) of version store (in memory modified data)
    • ManagedMemorySizeInMB - best available approximation of the number of MB currently allocated in managed memory
    • TotalProcessMemorySizeInMB - amount of private memory (in MB) allocated for the server
    • MemoryThatIsNotAccountedFor - amount of memory that is not accounted for: (TotalProcessMemorySizeInMB - (DatabaseCacheSizeInMB + DatabaseTransactionVersionSizeInMB + ManagedMemorySizeInMB))
  • Indexes
    • Name - index name
    • IndexingAttempts - number of indexing attempts
    • IndexingSuccesses - number of indexing successes
    • IndexingErrors - number of indexing errors
    • LastIndexedEtag - GUID representing last indexed Etag
    • LastIndexedTimestamp - last indexing timestamp
    • LastQueryTimestamp - last query timestamp
    • TouchCount - number of index touches used to calculate index Etag properly,
    • ReduceIndexingAttempts - number of reduce attempts. Null if not applicable.
    • ReduceIndexingSuccesses - number of reduce successes. Null if not applicable.
    • ReduceIndexingErrors - number of reduce errors. Null if not applicable.
    • LastReducedEtag - GUID representing last reduced Etag. Null if not applicable.
    • LastReducedTimestamp - last reduce timestamp
    • Performance - index performance information
      • Operation - operation type:
        • Map or Reduce Level level_number for Map-Reduce indexes
        • Index for Map-only indexes
      • OutputCount - number of documents indexed
      • InputCount
        • for Map and Index operations this is a number of documents sent for processing
        • for Reduce Level level_number operation this is a number of documents that came from Map operation.
      • Duration - operation duration
      • Started - operation start time
      • DurationInMilliseconds - duration in milliseconds
  • Errors
    • Index - name of index that caused error
    • Error - error message
    • Timestamp - error timestamp
    • Document - key of document that caused error
  • Triggers
    • Type - type of trigger:
      • Read
      • Put
      • Index Update
      • Delete
    • Name - trigger name
  • Extensions
    • Name - extension type:
      • IStartupTask
      • AbstractReadTrigger
      • AbstractDeleteTrigger
      • AbstractPutTrigger
      • AbstractDocumentCodec
      • AbstractIndexCodec
      • AbstractDynamicCompilationExtension
      • AbstractIndexQueryTrigger
      • AbstractIndexUpdateTrigger
      • AbstractAnalyzerGenerator
      • AbstractAttachmentDeleteTrigger
      • AbstractAttachmentPutTrigger
      • AbstractAttachmentReadTrigger
      • AbstractBackgroundTask
      • IAlterConfiguration
    • Installed - list of installed extensions of that type
      • Name - installed extension name
      • Assembly - assembly of the installed extension
  • ActualIndexingBatchSize
    • Size - indexing batch size
    • Timestamp - batch size report timestamp
  • Prefetches - prefetched indexing statistics
    • Timestamp - prefetching start time
    • Duration - prefetching duration
    • Size - number of documents prefetched
    • Retries - number of prefetching retries