Commands: DownloadAsync

The DownloadAsync method is used to retrieve the file's content and metadata.


Task<Stream> DownloadAsync(string filename, Reference<RavenJObject> metadata = null, long? from = null, long? to = null);
filename string The name of a downloaded file
metadata Reference<RavenJObject> Reference of metadata object where downloaded file metadata will be placed (if not null, default: null)
from long? The number of the first byte in a range when a partial download is requested
to long? The number of the last byte in a range when a partial download is requested

Return Value
Task<Stream> A task that represents the asynchronous download operation. The task result is a file's content represented by a readable stream.


var metadata = new Reference<RavenJObject>();

var data = await store
		from: 0,
		to: 200);