Commands: UploadAsync

UploadAsync is used to insert a new file or update the content of an existing one in a file system.


Task UploadAsync(string filename, Stream source, RavenJObject metadata = null, Etag etag = null);
filename string The name of the uploaded file (full path)
source Stream The file content
metadata RavenJObject The file metadata (default: null)
etag Etag The current file etag used for concurrency checks (null skips check)
Return Value
Task A task that represents the asynchronous upload operation

Task UploadAsync(string filename, Action<Stream> source, Action prepareStream, long size, RavenJObject metadata = null, Etag etag = null);
filename string The name of the uploaded file (full path)
source Action<Stream> The action which writes file content to the network stream
prepareStream Action The action executed before the content is being written (null means no action to perform)
size long The file size. It is sent in RavenFS-Size header to validate the number of bytes received on the server side. If there is a mismatch between the size reported in the header and the number of the bytes read on the server side, then BadRequestException is thrown
metadata RavenJObject The file metadata (default: null)
etag Etag The current file etag used for concurrency checks (null skips check)
Return Value
Task A task that represents the asynchronous upload operation

Example I

using (var file = File.OpenRead(@"C:\intro.avi"))
	await store
		new RavenJObject
				"AllowRead", "Everyone"

Example II

await store
		s =>
		new RavenJObject
				"AllowRead", "Everyone"