
The versioning bundle will create snapshots for every file, upon every update received, or when it is deleted. It is useful when you need to track the history of files or when you need a full audit trail.


To activate versioning simply add Versioning to Raven/ActiveBundles configuration in the global configuration file or setup a new file system with the versioning bundle turned on using API or the Studio.

Learn how to create a file system with versioning enabled using the Studio here.


By default, the Versioning bundle will track history for all files and never purge old revisions. This may be easily configurable by changing appropriate configuration item:

await store
			new FileVersioningConfiguration
				Id = "Raven/Versioning/DefaultConfiguration", 
				MaxRevisions = 10

Such a default configuration will setup the versioning bundle to version all files (Exclude = false) and keep only up to 10 revisions (MaxRevisions = 10).

It is possible to override the default behavior for files located in a particular directory. For example, let's say that we don't want to version files in /documents/temp folder. To achieve that we need to set the following configuration:

await store
			new FileVersioningConfiguration
				Id = "Raven/Versioning/documents/temp",
				Exclude = true

This will cause that no file located under specified directory and its subfolders will be versioned because Exclude = true.

The configuration naming convention is Raven/Versioning/[directory/path]. You can create multiple configurations for different nesting levels, the versioning bundle will look for the most specific one. For example the above versioning configuration will disable versioning for files under /documents/temp/drafts too. However you can also set the following configuration:

await store
			new FileVersioningConfiguration
				Id = "Raven/Versioning/documents/temp/drafts",
				Exclude = false,
				MaxRevisions = 5

to enable versioning for this folder. There will be created no more than 5 revisions for files from this directory.

Apart from MaxRevisions there are a few more options:

  • ExcludeUnlessExplicit set to true disables versioning for impacted files unless file metadata at the time of saving contains the key Raven-Create-Version. This key is transient and it is removed from metadata before put. Default: false.
  • PurgeOnDelete determines whether revisions should be deleted if a related file is deleted. Default: false.
  • ResetOnRename indicates if the versioning should be reset on a file rename. Default: true, means that the last existing revision will become first revision while the other ones will be deleted. If you set this option to false then revisions will be renamed according to the new name of the related file.

Client integration

The versioning bundle also has a client side part, which you can access by adding Raven.Client.FileSystem.Bundles.Versioning namespace.

Then, you can access past revisions of a file using the following code:

using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession())
	FileHeader[] revisions = await session
									start: 0, 
									pageSize: 5);