Exporting and importing files

In order to export or import files from RavenFS you can use the same tool like for exporting and importing databases - Raven.Smuggler.

Exporting to a file

To export data from RavenFS use this command:

Raven.Smuggler out http://localhost:8080/ dump.ravenfs --filesystem=NorthwindFS

This command will export NorthwindFS file system to a file named dump.ravenfs.

Importing from a file

Raven.Smuggler in http://localhost:8080/ dump.ravenfs --filesystem=NewNorthwindFS

This command will import data from dump.ravenfs file to NewNorthwindFS file system.


  • Import does not support file system creation. If a destination file system does not exist, an error message will appear.
  • Import will overwrite any existing files in a destination file system.

Moving data between two file systems

To move files directly between two instances (or different file systems in the same instance) use the between option in following manner:

Raven.Smuggler between http://localhost:8080/ http://localhost:8081/ --filesystem=NorthwindFS --filesystem2=NewNorthwindFS

Command line options

You can tweak the export/import process with the following parameters:

  • timeout: The timeout (in milliseconds) to use for requests.
  • batch-size: The batch size for requests.
  • filesystem: The file system to operate on.
  • username: A username to use when a file system requires client authentication.
  • password: A password to use when a file system requires client authentication.
  • domain: A domain to use when a file system requires client authentication.
  • api-key: An API-key to use, when using OAuth.
  • incremental: States usage of incremental operations.
  • strip-replication-information: Remove all synchronization information from metadata (import only).
  • disable-versioning-during-import: Disables versioning for the duration of the import.
  • help: You can use the help option in order to print the built-in options documentation.


Alternatively, if you prefer to do export/import from code rather than from the console utility, you can use the SmugglerFilesApi class (in order to use this class you need to reference the Raven.Smuggler.exe).


SmugglerFilesApi smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();

var exportOptions = new SmugglerExportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions>
	ToFile = "dump.ravenfs",
	From = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
		Url = "http://localhost:8080",
		DefaultFileSystem = "NorthwindFS"

var exportResult = await smugglerApi.ExportData(exportOptions);


SmugglerFilesApi smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();

var importOptions = new SmugglerImportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions>
	FromFile = "dump.ravenfs",
	To = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
		Url = "http://localhost:8080",
		DefaultFileSystem = "NewNorthwindFS"

await smugglerApi.ImportData(importOptions);

Moving data between two databases

// export files
// from NorthwindFS file system
// found on http://localhost:8080
// and import them to NewNorthwindFS
// found on the same server
SmugglerFilesApi smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();

var betweenOptions = new SmugglerBetweenOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions>
	From = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
		Url = "http://localhost:8080",
		DefaultFileSystem = "NorthwindFS"
	To = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
		Url = "http://localhost:8080",
		DefaultFileSystem = "NewNorthwindFS"

await smugglerApi.Between(betweenOptions);