Synchronization configurations

RavenFS uses the configuration items during the file synchronization process. This article describes their meaning and format.


Used by HiLo algorithm to store "Hi" value. HiLo method is used to generate file versions stored in the metadata.

    "Value": 1


Used to keep synchronization options such as:

  • default built-in conflict resolver,
  • max number of concurrent synchronizations performed to a single destination fs,
  • locking timeout during the synchronization.

    "FileConflictResolution": "None",
    "MaxNumberOfSynchronizationsPerDestination": 5,
    "SynchronizationLockTimeout": "00:10:00"


The list of destination file servers.

			"ServerUrl": "http://localhost:8080",
			"Username": null,
			"Password": null,
			"Domain": null,
			"ApiKey": null,
			"FileSystem": "Northwind",
			"Enabled": true


The configuration stored on a destination file system after a successful file synchronization. It is used to keep track of the already synchronized docs by storing the LastSourceFileEtag which is the Etag of the last synchronized file from a given file system. There is one configuration item per a source file system.

    "LastSourceFileEtag": "00000000-0000-0100-0000-000000000004",
    "SourceServerUrl": "http://localhost:8080/fs/Northwind",
    "DestinationServerId": "79d30df8-f226-4479-9039-922a1c747d3b"


Its existence indicates that the file is currently being locked and it is inaccessible to modifications. It exists only if the file is being synchronized.

        "FileSystemUrl": "http://localhost:8080/fs/Northwind",
        "Id": "8e4541e5-87f4-4943-a263-e49c5bc4ed06"
    "FileLockedAt": "2015-02-17T14:25:22.1876544Z"



This configuration is stored on a source file system for every file that was already synchronized. It is removed if the destination confirms that the synchronization succeeded.

    "FileName": "/git.exe",
    "FileETag": "00000000-0000-0100-0000-00000000000e",
    "DestinationUrl": "http://localhost:8080/fs/Northwind",
    "Type": "ContentUpdate"


This configuration represents a result of the file synchronization. It is stored by the destination file system. If any exception is thrown during the synchronization, it will be stored in Exception property. BytesTransfered, BytesCopied and NeedListLength are filled up only if the file content has changed.

    "FileName": "/git.exe",
    "FileETag": "00000000-0000-0100-0000-00000000000e",
    "BytesTransfered": "1073741824",
    "BytesCopied": "357913941",
    "NeedListLength": "5",
    "Exception": "",
    "Type": "ContentUpdate"


A conflict item is stored as a configuration. It contains histories of both versions of a conflicted file, a file name and a url of a source file system. The conflict is always created on a destination node.

			"Version": 1,
			"ServerId": "de406356-c86f-4cc3-8f12-49c64042c5e1"
			"Version": 1,
			"ServerId": "a785653d-841a-4604-a789-025b48f88f03"
    "FileName": "/git.exe",
    "RemoteServerUrl": "http://localhost:8080/fs/Northwind"