Installation: Running as a service

RavenDB supports running as a system service, creating its own HTTP server, and processing all requests internally.

Installing the RavenDB service

  1. Extract the zip with the build files (if you do not have it yet, download one from here).
  2. Go to the Server directory
  3. Execute the following command on the command line: Raven.Server.exe /install
    Note: Raven may ask you for administrator privileges while installing the service.

RavenDB is now installed and running as a service.

Uninstalling the RavenDB service

  1. Go to the Server directory
  2. Execute the following command on the command line: Raven.Server.exe /uninstall

The server storage and indexes will not be deleted when the server is uninstalled.

Server Configuration

Many configuration options are available for tuning RavenDB and fitting it to your needs. See the Configuration options page for the complete info.