Plugins: Tasks

Another type of plugins gives us the ability to perform various actions during server/database startup process or enables us to perform actions periodically. For these instances we have introduced two interfaces and one abstract class.

public interface IStartupTask
	void Execute(DocumentDatabase database);

public interface IServerStartupTask
	void Execute(RavenDbServer server);

public abstract class AbstractBackgroundTask : IStartupTask
	private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

	public DocumentDatabase Database { get; set; }

	public void Execute(DocumentDatabase database)
		Database = database;
		Task.Factory.StartNew(BackgroundTask, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

	protected virtual void Initialize()

	int workCounter;
	public void BackgroundTask()
		string name = GetType().Name;
		WorkContext context = Database.WorkContext;
		while (context.DoWork)
			bool foundWork = false;
				foundWork = HandleWork();
			catch (Exception e)
				log.ErrorException("Failed to execute background task", e);
			if (foundWork == false)
				context.WaitForWork(TimeoutForNextWork(), ref workCounter, name);

	protected virtual TimeSpan TimeoutForNextWork()
		return TimeSpan.FromHours(1);

	protected abstract bool HandleWork();

* IStartupTask can be used to implement a task which will be started during database initialization.
* IServerStartupTask can be used to implement a task which will be started during server initialization.
* AbstractBackgroundTask is a base for all periodic tasks.

Example - Send email when server is starting

public class SendEmailWhenServerIsStartingTask : IServerStartupTask
	public void Execute(RavenDbServer server)
		MailMessage message = new MailMessage("", "")
			Subject = "RavenDB server started.",
			Body = "Start at: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()

		using (SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(""))

Example - Perform a cleanup task during database initialization

public class CleanupWhenDatabaseIsStarting : IStartupTask
	private const string SpecificDatabaseName = "Northwind";

	public void Execute(DocumentDatabase database)
		if (database.Name != SpecificDatabaseName)

		using (CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource())
			bool stale;
			IEnumerable<string> queryResults = database.Queries.QueryDocumentIds(
				new IndexQuery(),
				CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(database.WorkContext.CancellationToken, cts.Token),
				out stale);

			foreach (string documentId in queryResults)
				database.Documents.Delete(documentId, null, null);

Example - Perform a cleanup task every six hours

public class RemoveAllTemporaryNotificationsTask : AbstractBackgroundTask
	protected override bool HandleWork()
		QueryResultWithIncludes queryResults = Database.Queries.Query("Notifications/Temp", new IndexQuery(), Database.WorkContext.CancellationToken);
		foreach (RavenJObject document in queryResults.Results)
			string id = ((RavenJObject)document["@metadata"]).Value<string>("@id");
			Database.Documents.Delete(id, null, null);

		return true;

	protected override TimeSpan TimeoutForNextWork()
		return TimeSpan.FromHours(6);