Manage Your Server: IO Test

You can use this view to test the speed of reading or writing (or reading and writing simultaneously) of the data from the disk.

IO Test has two modes: simple and batch.

To test disk performance in simple mode, you need to provide the following:

  • temporary record path (a folder has to exist already),
  • file size,
  • operation type (Write, Read, Read and Write),
  • information whether the operation should be buffered,
  • information whether the operation should be sequential or random,
  • thread count,
  • runtime of the operation,
  • chunk size
Figure 1. Manage Your Server. IO Test.

To test disk performance in batch mode, you need to provide the following:

  • Number of documents
  • Size of documents
  • Number of documents in batch
  • Wait between batches (ms)
Figure 2. Manage Your Server. IO Test.

When the test is complete, the results including an average speed of reading and writing, disk throughput and latency are displayed.

Figure 3. Manage Your Server. IO Test Results.