Glossary: FacetResults


Name Type Description
Results Dictionary<string, FacetResult> A list of results for the facet. One entry for each term/range as specified in the facet setup document.
Duration TimeSpan Operation duration



Name Type Description
Values List<FacetValue> The facet terms and hits up to a limit of MaxResults items (as specified in the facet setup document), sorted in TermSortMode order (as indicated in the facet setup document).
RemainingTermsCount int The number of remaining terms outside of those covered by the Values terms.
RemainingHits int The number of remaining hits outside of those covered by the Values terms.



Name Type Description
Range string Facet range
Hits int Number of terms that are covered by this facet.
Count int? Used for storing count
Sum double? Used for storing sum
Max double? Used for storing max
Min double? Used for storing min
Average double? Used for storing average


Signature Description
double? GetAggregation(FacetAggregation aggregation) Returns aggregation by given type