Indexes: Index Edit View

Whenever you want to add a new one or edit an existing index, you will be redirected to the Index Edit View. This view helps you shape the index definition by providing code-completion, formatters, C# code generator, and more.

Action Bar

The following actions are available in the Action Bar:

  • Save - saves an index on a server (if the index existed and the definition changed, then previous indexing data will be lost),
  • Add - you can add another mapping or reducing function, define field, or spatial field, and determine max index outputs,
  • Format - perform code formatting for mapping and reducing functions,
  • Query - edit only - redirects to the Query View,
  • Terms - edit only - redirects to the Terms View where you can view current index terms,
  • Copy - opens a dialog where you can copy an index definition,
  • Generate C# - creates an index definition class in C#,
  • Refresh - fetches an index definition from the server,
  • Delete - removes an index

Figure 1. Studio. Index Edit View. Action Bar.

Figure 2. Studio. Index Edit View.

Index Renaming

A new feature in v3.5 is being able to rename an index without needing to re-run the indexing process.

To rename an index, make sure you're in the edit view and change the index name in the text box. Click save.

Figure 1. Studio. Index Rename.

A warning message will be displayed asking whether to rename or create a new index.

Figure 2. Studio. Index Rename message.