Multi-Database Support

RavenDB supports multi-tenancy, and the Management Studio provides an easy way to manage multiple tenants from the same UI, and to create new tenants.


You cannot delete a database using the Management Studio.

At the top right corner of each screen, by the RavenDB logo, the name of the current tenant you are working against is shown. Clicking on it will open a list of other available tenants, and selecting another one from that list will shift the Studio to working against that tenant.

Select Tenant

Creating a new tenant

When pressing on the link named "Databases" on the to right of each page a new page will load:

Databases Fig 1

On the top right you can create a new database:

Databases Fig 2

After selecting this option a window will pop up and you need to enter a name for the new database.

{NOTE Each database must have a unique name /e}

Databases Fig 3

Once you have selected the name a new empty database will be created. The name of the selected database will appear on the top right next the databases link:

Databases Fig 4

Once you have more the one database you can switch between them from any page by clicking on the name of the active database and a list of possible databases will open, click on the database you want to view next.