
The AsyncDatabaseCommands is the actual engine behind the Async Client API.

A AsyncDatabaseCommands object is available from both the AsyncSession object and the IAsyncDocumentStore object.

Document operations

// Begins an async get operation
Task<JsonDocument> GetAsync(string key);

// Begins an async multi get operation
Task<MultiLoadResult> GetAsync(string[] keys, string[] includes, bool metadataOnly = false);

// Begins an async get operation for documents
Task<JsonDocument[]> GetDocumentsAsync(int start, int pageSize, bool metadataOnly = false);

// Deletes the document for the specified id asynchronously
Task DeleteDocumentAsync(string id);

// Puts the document with the specified key in the database
Task<PutResult> PutAsync(string key, Guid? etag, RavenJObject document, RavenJObject metadata);


// Puts the attachment with the specified key asynchronously
Task PutAttachmentAsync(string key, Guid? etag, byte[] data, RavenJObject metadata);

// Gets the attachment by the specified key asynchronously
Task<Attachment> GetAttachmentAsync(string key);

// Get documents with id of a specific prefix
Task<JsonDocument[]> StartsWithAsync(string keyPrefix, int start, int pageSize, bool metadataOnly = false);

// Deletes the attachment with the specified key asynchronously
Task DeleteAttachmentAsync(string key, Guid? etag);


// Gets the index names from the server asynchronously
Task<string[]> GetIndexNamesAsync(int start, int pageSize);

// Gets the indexes from the server asynchronously
Task<IndexDefinition[]> GetIndexesAsync(int start, int pageSize);

// Gets the index definition for the specified name asynchronously
Task<IndexDefinition> GetIndexAsync(string name);

// Resets the specified index asynchronously
Task ResetIndexAsync(string name);

// Puts the index definition for the specified name asynchronously
Task<string> PutIndexAsync(string name, IndexDefinition indexDef, bool overwrite);

// Deletes the index definition for the specified name asynchronously
Task DeleteIndexAsync(string name);

// Perform a set based deletes using the specified index.
Task DeleteByIndexAsync(string indexName, IndexQuery queryToDelete, bool allowStale);

// Perform a set based update using the specified index
Task UpdateByIndex(string indexName, IndexQuery queryToUpdate, ScriptedPatchRequest patch, bool allowStale);

// Perform a set based update using the specified index, not allowing the operation
// if the index is stale
Task UpdateByIndex(string indexName, IndexQuery queryToUpdate, ScriptedPatchRequest patch);

// Begins the async query.
Task<QueryResult> QueryAsync(string index, IndexQuery query, string[] includes, bool metadataOnly = false);

// Sends an async command that enables indexing
Task StartIndexingAsync();

// Sends an async command that disables all indexing
Task StopIndexingAsync();

// Get the indexing status
Task<string> GetIndexingStatusAsync();


// Begins the async batch operation
Task<BatchResult[]> BatchAsync(ICommandData[] commandDatas);

// Returns a list of suggestions based on the specified suggestion query.
Task<SuggestionQueryResult> SuggestAsync(string index, SuggestionQuery suggestionQuery);

// Gets or sets the operations headers.
IDictionary<string, string> OperationsHeaders { get; }

// Create a new instance of IAsyncDatabaseCommands that will interacts with the specified database
IAsyncDatabaseCommands ForDatabase(string database);

// Create a new instance of IAsyncDatabaseCommands that will interacts with the default database
IAsyncDatabaseCommands ForDefaultDatabase();

// Returns a new IAsyncDatabaseCommands using the specified credentials
IAsyncDatabaseCommands With(ICredentials credentialsForSession);

// Retrieve the statistics for the database asynchronously
Task<DatabaseStatistics> GetStatisticsAsync();

// Gets the list of databases from the server asynchronously
Task<string[]> GetDatabaseNamesAsync(int pageSize, int start = 0);

// Get the possible terms for the specified field in the index asynchronously
// You can page through the results by use fromValue parameter as the 
// starting point for the next query
Task<string[]> GetTermsAsync(string index, string field, string fromValue, int pageSize);

// Ensures that the silverlight startup tasks have run
Task EnsureSilverlightStartUpAsync();

// Disable all caching within the given scope
IDisposable DisableAllCaching();

// Perform a single POST request containing multiple nested GET requests
Task<GetResponse[]> MultiGetAsync(GetRequest[] requests);

// Using the given Index, calculate the facets as per the specified doc
Task<FacetResults> GetFacetsAsync(string index, IndexQuery query, string facetSetupDoc);

// Gets the Logs
Task<LogItem[]> GetLogsAsync(bool errorsOnly);

// Gets the license Status
Task<LicensingStatus> GetLicenseStatusAsync();

// Gets the build number
Task<BuildNumber> GetBuildNumberAsync();

// Begins an async backup operation
Task StartBackupAsync(string backupLocation, DatabaseDocument databaseDocument);

// Begins an async restore operation
Task StartRestoreAsync(string restoreLocation, string databaseLocation, string databaseName = null);

// Force the database commands to read directly from the master, unless there has been a failover.
void ForceReadFromMaster();