Replication walkthrough

Below examples will show you how to quickly setup replication in RavenDB using The Studio.

Replicating documents from one server to another (master-slave)

To setup a master-slave replication we will need at least two servers. First server will serve as a master (in our example the server at port 8081) and second one will be a slave (server at port 8081).

Configuring master server

  • Open studio on master server, create new database called ExampleDB1 and enable Replication bundle feature.
Figure 1: Create `ExampleDB1` database with `Replication bundle` enabled
  • Setup replication destination that will point to your slave server (in our example http://localhost:8082/) and enter ExampleDB2 in Database Name.
Figure 2: Setup replication destination
  • You will notice that two documents will be created, first one is called Raven/Replication/Destinations and you will find your replication configuration there, second document is called Raven/Replication/Destinations/localhost8082databasesExampleDB2 and it has been created because RavenDB detected a problem with replicating documents to slave, which is expected because we haven't configured it yet.
Figure 3: Replication documents

Configuring slave server

  • Open studio on slave server, create new database called ExampleDB2 and enable Replication bundle feature.
Figure 4: Create `ExampleDB2` database with `Replication bundle` enabled
  • To setup a slave replication, do not add any replication destinations. Just proceed by clicking OK.
Figure 5: Setup replication destination
  • Document Raven/Replication/Destinations will be created, you will notice that, in a contrast to master server, it will be empty.
Figure 6: Replication documents


  • On a master server (8081) create document users/1 as seen on a figure below.
Figure 7: Create `users/1` document on master server
  • On a slave server (8082), you will notice that document users/1 has been replicated successfully (this may take few moments).
Figure 8: Verify that document `users/1` has been replicated to slave

Replicating documents between servers (master-master)

To setup a master-master replication we will need at least two servers. Both of them (in our example 8081 and 8082) will serve as masters.

Configuring first master server

  • Open studio on first master server, create new database called ExampleDB1 and enable Replication bundle feature.
Figure 9: Create `ExampleDB1` database with `Replication bundle` enabled
  • Setup replication destination to your second master server (in our example http://localhost:8082/) and enter ExampleDB2 in Database Name.
Figure 10: Setup replication destination
  • You will notice that two documents will be created, first one is called Raven/Replication/Destinations and you will find your replication configuration there, second document is called Raven/Replication/Destinations/localhost8082databasesExampleDB2 and it has been created because RavenDB detected a problem with replication documents to our second server, which is expected because we haven't configured it yet.
Figure 11: Replication documents

Configuring second master server

  • Open studio on second master server, create new database called ExampleDB2 and enable Replication bundle feature.
Figure 12: Create `ExampleDB2` database with `Replication bundle` enabled
  • Setup replication destination to your first master server (in our example http://localhost:8081/) and enter ExampleDB1 in Database Name.
Figure 13: Setup replication destination


  • On one of the masters (let's say 8082) create document albums/1 as seen on a figure below.
Figure 14: Create `albums/1` document
  • On other master (8081), you will notice that document albums/1 has been replicated successfully (this may take few moments). Change content of this document and save it (changed album name from 'Raven' to 'Cake').
Figure 15: Verify that document `albums/1` has been replicated to other master, change and save its content
  • Document replicates successfully to 8082.
Figure 16: Verify that document `albums/1` has been replicated with new content