Lucene queries example


Looking for words

In case we want to find all documents with property Text containing some word.


Looking for phrases

In case we want to find all documents with property Text containing specified sentence.

Text:"several words"

DateTime ranges

Take a look at these tests.

How can I query for a null value?

Assuming when the document was saved the property's value was null; let us say we want to find all users that didn't provide their Email. This is the query that we will need to issue:


The [[ ]] denotes a NotAnalyzed value, and Raven writes NULL_VALUE to the Lucene index when it encounters a null being indexed.

How can I query for a non-null blank or empty string?

Assuming when the document was saved the property's value was a non-null blank/empty string; let us say we want to find all users that didn't provide their LastName. In order to query for a non-null blank or empty string we will need to issue:

LastName: [[EMPTY_STRING]]

The [[ ]] denotes a NotAnalyzed value, and Raven writes EMPTY_STRING to the Lucene index when it encounters a non-null empty/blank string being indexed.