Building RavenDB from source

RavenDB requires .NET 4.0 SDK installed to build. You should be able to just open RavenDB in Visual Studio 2012 and start working with it immediately.

RavenDB uses PowerShell to execute its build process. Open a PowerShell prompt as a user with Administrator privileges, and execute:


The following dependencies required by RavenDB code will be downloaded from NuGet:

Other dependencies you will find under SharedLibs folder:

  • AWS.Extensions
  • Esent.Interop
  • GeoAPI
  • Lucene.Net
  • NetTopologySuite
  • Spatial4n.Core.NTS

Additionally to build it correctly you have to install:

The build process will, by default, execute all tests, which will take a while. You may skip the tests by executing:
