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NoSQL Database Documentation

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What's new

2.5.25043 - 2020/01/13


  • Fix skipped index batches after a database shutdown

2.5.25042 - 2019/10/03


  • [Replication] improved next ID generation for 'Raven-Replication-Version'

2.5.25041 - 2019/05/16


  • Added Raven/Esent/MaxSessions configuration option
  • [Replication] - Log the actual exception that caused the replication to fail


  • Migrate the index cleaner to 2.5

2.5.25040 - 2018/10/17


  • Allow to have more than 256 SQL replication configurations

2.5.25039 - 2018/10/02


  • [Replication] Fixed automatic purging of replication tombstones according to retention time configuration