Bundle: Periodic Export

RavenDB innately supports periodic exports of the documents and attachments (including deletions) to a file system folder, Amazon AWS services, or Microsoft Azure storage.

How it works

Periodic exports leverage the concept of incremental exports available in RavenDB. To take advantage of that, we are storing information about last successful ETag of the documents and attachments that were sent to the backup destination.

Activating bundle

To activate bundle globally, simply add PeriodicExport to the Raven/ActiveBundles in an appropriate configuration file. More about configuration's setup can be found here.

If you wish to set up periodic export per database, then add PeriodicExport to the list of database's active bundles or use the Studio.

Bundle can also be activated during a database creation process.

		new DatabaseDocument
				Id = "Northwind", 
				Settings =
						{ "Raven/ActiveBundles", "PeriodicExport" }

Configuring file system folder

In order to export a database to a specified folder available locally, you need to create a Raven/Backup/Periodic/Setup with the LocalFolderName property filled with the designated path.

			new PeriodicExportSetup
				LocalFolderName = @"full_path_to_backup_folder"
		new RavenJObject());

Configuring Amazon AWS

Two steps need to be taken to set up export destination properly.

First, we need to add our AWS access and secret key to the database settings. For example, if we want to create new database with a bundle already activated and keys set up, we can execute the following code:

		new DatabaseDocument
				Id = "Northwind",
				Settings =
						{ "Raven/ActiveBundles", "PeriodicExport" }, 
						{ "Raven/AWSAccessKey", "<key_here>" }
				SecuredSettings =
						{ "Raven/AWSSecretKey", "<key_here>" }

Next, we need to create a backup setup document under the Raven/Backup/Periodic/Setup, where our backup destination configuration will be stored. This document will be created automatically when you use the Studio to set up a periodic export, yet it can be created almost as easily using the API.

			new PeriodicExportSetup
					AwsRegionEndpoint = "eu-west-1", // if not specified default is 'us-east-1'
					GlacierVaultName = "your_glacier_vault_name",
					IntervalMilliseconds = 60 * 60 * 1000, // 60 minutes
					S3BucketName = "your_s3_bucket_name",
					S3RemoteFolderName = "your_s3_remote_folder_name" // if not specified, then root folder will be assumed
		new RavenJObject());

GlacierVaultName and S3BucketName values exclude each other in favor of the GlacierVaultName, so if you specify both, RavenDB will only use GlacierVaultName.


More information about Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) can be found here. If you are interested in Amazon Glacier, visit this page.

Configuring Azure Storage

Configuring Azure is almost identical to Amazon AWS process. First, you need to store your account name and access key in a database configuration. For example, if we want to create a new database with bundle already activated and keys setup, we can execute the following code:

		new DatabaseDocument
			Id = "Northwind",
			Settings =
						{ "Raven/ActiveBundles", "PeriodicExport" }, 
						{ "Raven/AzureStorageAccount", "<name_here>" }
			SecuredSettings =
					{ "Raven/AzureStorageKey", "<key_here>" }

Next, we need to create a backup setup document under the Raven/Backup/Periodic/Setup, where our backup destination configuration will be stored. This document will be created automatically when you use the Studio to set up a periodic export, yet it can be created almost as easily using the API.

			new PeriodicExportSetup
				AzureStorageContainer = "your_container_name",
				AzureRemoteFolderName = "your_azure_remote_folder_name", // if not specified, then root folder will be assumed
				IntervalMilliseconds = 60 * 60 * 1000, // 60 minutes
		new RavenJObject());


More information about Microsoft Azure Storage can be found here


Amazon AWS and Azure Storage related properties in the PeriodicExportSetup document exclude each other. Server will always upload export to only one location, and the location will be picked in the following order: GlacierVaultName, S3BucketName, AzureStorageContainer.