Indexes: Index Edit View

Whenever you want to add a new one or edit an existing index, you will be redirected to the Index Edit View. This view helps you shape the index definition by providing code-completion, formatters, C# code generator, and more.

Action Bar

The following actions are available in the Action Bar:

  • Save - saves an index on a server (if the index existed and the definition changed, then previous indexing data will be lost),
  • Add - you can add another mapping or reducing function, define field, or spatial field, and determine max index outputs,
  • Priority - ability to change an index priority. More here,
  • Format - perform code formatting for mapping and reducing functions,
  • Query - edit only - redirects to the Query View,
  • Terms - edit only - redirects to the Terms View where you can view current index terms,
  • Copy - opens a dialog where you can copy an index definition,
  • Generate C# - creates an index definition class in C#,
  • Refresh - fetches an index definition from the server,
  • Delete - removes an index

Figure 1. Studio. Index Edit View. Action Bar.

Figure 2. Studio. Index Edit View.