Commands: Delete

There are two methods that allow to delete a single file or multiple files at once.


The DeleteAsync method is used to delete a file.


Task DeleteAsync(string filename, Etag etag = null);
filename string The name of a file to be deleted
etag Etag The current file Etag, used for concurrency checks (null skips check)

Return Value
Task A task that represents the asynchronous delete operation.


await store.AsyncFilesCommands.DeleteAsync("/movies/intro.avi");


The DeleteByQueryAsync is used to delete files that match the specified query.


Task DeleteByQueryAsync(string query);
query string The Lucene query

Return Value
Task A task that represents the asynchronous delete operation.


In order to delete files located in /temp folder except from ones in its subdirectories, run the following code:

await store.AsyncFilesCommands.DeleteByQueryAsync("__directoryName:/temp AND __level:2");

Delete on the server side

To delete a file, RavenFS needs to remove a lot of information related to this file. In order to respond to the user quickly, the file is just renamed and a delete marker is added to its metadata. The actual delete is performed by a periodic task, which ensures that all the requested deletes will be accomplished even in the presence of a server restarts in the middle.