Creating a files store

When you create a files store object, you have to provide a server URL and a default file system name (RavenFS does not have <system> file system):

using (IFilesStore fsStore = new FilesStore()
	Url = "http://localhost:8080",
	DefaultFileSystem = "NorthwindFS"


By default, the file system will be created if it doesn't exist. If you want to overwrite that behavior, look at the optional parameters of the Initialize method.

Initialization and disposal

Note that just as the DocumentStore object, the created FilesStore instance needs to be explicitly initialized by calling the Initialize method. It returns the IFilesStore object which ensures full access to the manage files. Note that the whole code is placed inside the using statement because the returned instance implements the IDisposable. In a real case scenario the files store should be disposed when an application shuts down.


There should be only one instance of the IFilesStore created per application (singleton). The files store is a thread safe object and its typical initialization looks as follows:

public class FilesStoreHolder
	private static readonly Lazy<IFilesStore> store = new Lazy<IFilesStore>(CreateStore);

	public static IFilesStore Store
		get { return store.Value; }

	private static IFilesStore CreateStore()
		IFilesStore fsStore = new FilesStore()
			Url = "http://localhost:8080",
			DefaultFileSystem = "NorthwindFS"

		return fsStore;