Delete listeners

IFilesDeleteListener interface which needs to be implemented if a user wants to introduce a custom action when a delete operation is executed. The interface exposes two methods. The first one is invoked before the delete request is sent to the server, the second one is called after the request was successfully executed.

public interface IFilesDeleteListener
	/// <summary>
	/// Invoked before the delete request is sent to the server.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="file">The file to delete</param>
	bool BeforeDelete(FileHeader file);

	/// <summary>
	/// Invoked after the delete operation was effective on the server.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="filename">The filename of the deleted file</param>
	void AfterDelete(string filename);

Note that BeforeDelete method returns a boolean result that is used to determine whether a file should be really deleted. If any of the registered listeners returns false then the delete request won't be sent to a server and no AfterDelete method will be called.


To prevent anyone from deleting files that have Read-Only : true metadata you can create the following listener:

public class PreventDeletingReadOnlyFilesListener : IFilesDeleteListener
	public bool BeforeDelete(FileHeader file)
		return file.Metadata.Value<bool>("Read-Only") == false;

	public void AfterDelete(string filename)