Map-Reduce indexes

This section of the documentation focuses on map reduce indexes. Map reduce indexes allow for complex aggregation of data by first selecting records (map), and then applying the specified reduce function to these records, in order to produce a smaller set of results.

For a more in-depth look at how map reduce works, read this post: Map-Reduce a Visual Explanation.


When it comes to index creation, the only difference between simple indexes and the map-reduce ones is an additional reduce function defined in index definition. To deploy an index we need to create a definition and deploy it using one of the ways described in the creating and deploying article. Please go over the examples below for a sample map-reduce index.


There are many applications of such indexes, but most common is the aggregation of data from multiple documents.

Example I - counting

Let's assume that we want to count the number of products for each category. To do it, we need to specify the following index:

public class Products_ByCategory : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Product, Products_ByCategory.Result>
	public class Result
		public string Category { get; set; }

		public int Count { get; set; }

	public Products_ByCategory()
		Map = products => from product in products
						  let categoryName = LoadDocument<Category>(product.Category).Name
						  select new
							  Category = categoryName,
							  Count = 1

		Reduce = results => from result in results
							group result by result.Category into g
							select new
								Category = g.Key,
								Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count)

and issue a query:

IList<Products_ByCategory.Result> results = session
	.Query<Products_ByCategory.Result, Products_ByCategory>()
	.Where(x => x.Category == "Seafood")
IList<Products_ByCategory.Result> results = session
	.DocumentQuery<Products_ByCategory.Result, Products_ByCategory>()
	.WhereEquals(x => x.Category, "Seafood")

The above query will return one result for Seafood, with the appropriate number of products from that category.

Example II - average

In this example we will count average product price for each category. First we need to create an index:

public class Products_Average_ByCategory : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Product, Products_Average_ByCategory.Result>
	public class Result
		public string Category { get; set; }

		public decimal PriceSum { get; set; }

		public double PriceAverage { get; set; }

		public int ProductCount { get; set; }

	public Products_Average_ByCategory()
		Map = products => from product in products
						  let categoryName = LoadDocument<Category>(product.Category).Name
						  select new
							  Category = categoryName,
							  PriceSum = product.PricePerUser,
							  PriceAverage = 0,
							  ProductCount = 1

		Reduce = results => from result in results
							group result by result.Category into g
							let productCount = g.Sum(x => x.ProductCount)
							let priceSum = g.Sum(x => x.PriceSum)
							select new
								Category = g.Key,
								PriceSum = priceSum,
								PriceAverage = priceSum / productCount,
								ProductCount = productCount

and issue a query:

IList<Products_Average_ByCategory.Result> results = session
	.Query<Products_Average_ByCategory.Result, Products_Average_ByCategory>()
	.Where(x => x.Category == "Seafood")
IList<Products_Average_ByCategory.Result> results = session
	.DocumentQuery<Products_Average_ByCategory.Result, Products_Average_ByCategory>()
	.WhereEquals(x => x.Category, "Seafood")

Example III - complex calculations

This example illustrates how we can put some calculations inside an index and is based on one of the indexes available in sample database (Product/Sales).

Let's assume that we want to know how many times the product was ordered and how much we earned for it. In order to extract that information, we need to define the following index:

public class Product_Sales : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Order, Product_Sales.Result>
	public class Result
		public string Product { get; set; }

		public int Count { get; set; }

		public decimal Total { get; set; }

	public Product_Sales()
		Map = orders => from order in orders
						from line in order.Lines
						select new
							Product = line.Product,
							Count = 1,
							Total = ((line.Quantity * line.PricePerUnit) * (1 - line.Discount))

		Reduce = results => from result in results
							group result by result.Product into g
							select new
								Product = g.Key,
								Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count),
								Total = g.Sum(x => x.Total)

and issue a query:

IList<Product_Sales.Result> results = session
	.Query<Product_Sales.Result, Product_Sales>()
IList<Product_Sales.Result> results = session
	.DocumentQuery<Product_Sales.Result, Product_Sales>()