Bundle: Cascade Delete

The cascade delete bundle allows a specified set of documents and attachments to be deleted when the document that owns it is deleted. Typical usage scenarios include deleting an attachment that is referenced by a document, or removing a set of child documents referenced by a parent document.


Simply place the Raven.Bundles.CascadeDelete.dll (included in RavenDB distribution package) in the Plugins directory.

To activate cascade delete server-wide, simply add Cascade Delete to Raven/ActiveBundles configuration in the global configuration file, or setup a new database with the cascade delete bundle turned on using API or the Studio


Any bundle which is not added to ActiveBundles list, will not be active, even if the relevant assembly is in the Plugins directory.


You can specify the documents and attachments to be cascade deleted using the following code:

using (IDocumentSession session = store.OpenSession())
	session.Advanced.GetMetadataFor(parent)["Raven-Cascade-Delete-Documents"] = RavenJToken.FromObject(new[] { "childId1", "childId2" });
	session.Advanced.GetMetadataFor(parent)["Raven-Cascade-Delete-Attachments"] = RavenJToken.FromObject(new[] { "attachmentId1", " attachmentId2" });

When the "parent" document is deleted, the documents with "childId1" and "childId2" IDs and the attachments with "attachmentId1" and "attachmentId2" IDs will be deleted as well.


  1. The Raven-Cascade-Delete-Documents and Raven-Cascade-Delete-Attachment collections are independent from each other; a document can specify any number (from zero up) of the documents or attachments to be cascade deleted.
  2. Cascade Delete works only within a single node. If you have a sharded data set, cascading will not delete documents / attachments that are located on other nodes.