Manage Your Server: Server Permissions

As described in Configuration : Authentication & Authorization, you can use two different authentication methods in RavenDB.
In both methods, each user is associated with a permission type:
- Admin
- Read, Write
- Read Only

The permission type is set by an admin when creating user settings in Windows Authentication or when using API keys.

Permissions to system database

Permissions to the system database describe which management sections a user can access. The following table shows the sections of the studio management and their associated permissions:

Studio management section Write Read
API keys write read
windows authentication write read
cluster admin read
global configuration write read
server smuggling admin n/a
backup admin n/a
compact admin n/a
restore admin n/a
admin logs admin n/a
server topology admin n/a
traffic watch admin n/a
license information admin read
gather debug information admin n/a
IO test admin n/a
disk IO viewer admin read
administrator js console admin n/a
studio configuration write read
hot spare admin n/a