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NoSQL Database Documentation

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What's new

3.5.10-patch-35319 - 2023/01/23


  • Add support for uploading a backup taking more than 5GB to S3

3.5.10-patch-35312 - 2022/04/12


  • Fix a header error in the exported dump file when exporting a large File System using Smuggler or Export in the studio

3.5.10-patch-35311 - 2021/07/28


  • Fix missing configuration setting for Raven/CheckReferenceBecauseOfDocumentUpdateTimeoutInSeconds

3.5.10-patch-35310 - 2021/07/15


  • Added a configuration to increase the timeout for updating references: Raven/CheckReferenceBecauseOfDocumentUpdateTimeoutInSeconds
  • Limit a single patch transaction to up to 5 seconds

3.5.10-patch-35309 - 2021/05/24


  • Fix using the $ sign as a key in a dictionary when using a Transformer