What's new

3.5.10-patch-35283 - 2019/05/09


  • [Configuration] added Raven/Esent/CheckpointDepthMax

3.5.10-patch-35282 - 2019/04/23


  • updated Owin to 4.0.1 and Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.* to 5.2.7 to avoid NRE in the Owin internals that could happen during the authentication process

3.5.9 (35281) - 2019/04/10

This is an aggregated build containing fixes released in patch versions since the previous stable build - 3.5.8 (35279) in addition with:


  • [Indexing] Document ID is not shown in indexing exception, if it is thrown during Recurse

3.5.9-patch-35280 - 2019/03/19


  • Added Raven/Esent/MaxSessions configuration option
  • Fixed race condition in data exploration

3.5.8 (35279) - 2019/01/03

This is an aggregated build containing fixes released in patch versions since the previous stable build - 3.5.7 (35274) in addition with:


  • [Replication] fixed 'Topology-Id' header validation that could prevent attachment replication to other nodes