Querying: Searching

When you need to do a more complex text searching, use the Search extension method (in Raven.Client.Documents namespace). This method allows you to pass a few search terms that will be used in the searching process for a particular field. Here is a sample code that uses the Search extension to get users with the name John or Adam:

IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "John Adam")
IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "John Adam")
from Users
where search(Name, 'John Adam')

Each of the search terms (separated by space character) will be checked independently. The result documents must match exactly one of the passed terms.

In the same way, you can also look for users that have some hobby:

IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "looking for someone who likes sport books computers")
IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "looking for someone who likes sport books computers")
from Users
where search(Name, 'looking for someone who likes sport books computers')

The results will return users that are interested in sport, books or computers.

Multiple Fields

By using the Search extension, you are also able to look for multiple indexed fields. In order to search using both Name and Hobbies properties, you need to issue the following query:

List<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "Adam")
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "sport")
List<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "Adam")
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "sport")
from Users
where search(Name, 'Adam') or search(Hobbies, 'sport')


Indexing in RavenDB is built upon the Lucene engine that provides a boosting term mechanism. This feature introduces the relevance level of matching documents based on the terms found. Each search term can be associated with a boost factor that influences the final search results. The higher the boost factor, the more relevant the term will be. RavenDB also supports that, in order to improve your searching mechanism and provide the users with much more accurate results you can specify the boost argument.

For example:

IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "I love sport", boost: 10)
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "but also like reading books", boost: 5)
IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "I love sport")
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "but also like reading books")
from Users
where boost(search(Hobbies, 'I love sport'), 10) or boost(search(Hobbies, 'but also like reading books'), 5)

This search will promote users who do sports before book readers and they will be placed at the top of the results list.

Search Options

In order to specify the logic of a search expression, specify the options argument of the Search method. It is a SearchOptions enum with the following values:

  • Or,
  • And,
  • Not,
  • Guess (default).

By default, RavenDB attempts to guess and match up the semantics between terms. If there are consecutive searches, they will be OR together, otherwise the AND semantic will be used.

The following query:

IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "computers")
    .Search(x => x.Name, "James")
    .Where(x => x.Age == 20)
IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "computers")
    .Search(x => x.Name, "James")
    .WhereEquals(x => x.Age, 20)

will be translated into

from Users
where search(Hobbies, 'computers') or search(Name, 'James') and Age = 20

You can also specify what exactly the query logic should be. The applied option will influence a query term where it was used. The query as follows:

IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "Adam")
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "sport", options: SearchOptions.And)
IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "Adam")
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "sport")

will result in the following RQL query:

from Users
where search(Name, 'Adam') and search(Hobbies, 'sport')

If you want to negate the term use SearchOptions.Not:

IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "James", options: SearchOptions.Not)
IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "James")

According to RQL syntax it will be transformed into the query:

from Users
where exists(Name) and not search(James, 'Adam')

You can treat SearchOptions values as bit flags and create any combination of the defined enum values,

IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "Adam")
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "sport", options: SearchOptions.Not | SearchOptions.And)
IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "Adam")
    .Search(x => x.Hobbies, "sport")

It will produce the following RQL query:

from Users
where search(Name, 'Adam') and (exists(Hobbies) and not search(Hobbies, 'sport'))

Using Wildcards

When the beginning or ending of a search term is unknown, wildcards can be used to add additional power to the searching feature. RavenDB supports both suffix and postfix wildcards.

Example I - Using Postfix Wildcards

IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "Jo* Ad*")
IList<User> users = session
    .Search("Name", "Jo* Ad*")
from Users
where search(Name, 'Jo* Ad*')

Example II - Using Suffix and Postfix Wildcards

IList<User> users = session
    .Search(x => x.Name, "*oh* *da*")
IList<User> users = session
    .Search("Name", "*oh* *da*")
from Users
where search(Name, '*oh* *da*')


RavenDB allows you to search by using such queries, but you have to be aware that leading wildcards drastically slow down searches.

Consider if you really need to find substrings. In most cases, looking for whole words is enough. There are also other alternatives for searching without expensive wildcard matches, e.g. indexing a reversed version of text field or creating a custom analyzer.

Static Indexes

All of the previous examples demonstrated searching capabilities by executing dynamic queries and were using auto indexes underneath. The same set of queries can be done when static indexes are used, and also those capabilities can be customized by changing the analyzer or setting up full text search on multiple fields.

Example I - Basics

To be able to search you need to set Indexing to Search on a desired field.

public class Users_ByName : AbstractIndexCreationTask<User>
    public Users_ByName()
        Map = users => from user in users
                       select new
                           Name = user.Name

        Index(x => x.Name, FieldIndexing.Search);

IList<User> users = session
    .Query<User, Users_ByName>()
    .Search(x => x.Name, "John")
IList<User> users = session
    .DocumentQuery<User, Users_ByName>()
    .Search("Name", "John")
from index 'Users/ByName'
where search(Name, 'John')

Example II - FullTextSearch

var users = session
    .Query<Users_Search.Result, Users_Search>()
    .Search(x => x.Query, "John")
IList<User> users = session
    .DocumentQuery<User, Users_Search>()
    .Search("Query", "John")
public class Users_Search : AbstractIndexCreationTask<User, Users_Search.Result>
    public class Result
        public string Query;

    public Users_Search()
        Map = users => from user in users
                       select new
                           Query = new object[]

        Index("Query", FieldIndexing.Search);
from index 'Users/Search'
where search(Query, 'John')