Map-Reduce Visualizer

Map-Reduce Visualizer Usage Flow

  • 1. Select a Map-Reduce index and the documents to view
Figure 1. Select an Index

Figure-1: Select Map-Reduce Index and Document IDs

  • 2. View the graphical representation of the documents and their related 'group-by' reduced key field from the index
Figure 2. View relation

Figure-2: Graphical Representation of the Documents and the Reduced Key

  • In the above example, the selected documents orders/1-A, orders/27-A, orders/829-A are related to the key: companies/85-A.
    i.e. All 3 documents have the value 'companies/85-A' in their 'Company' field in the document body.

  • Document ordes/100-A has the value companies/21-A in its 'Company' field.

  • 3. View the detailed view for the key reduced results
Figure 3. Key details

Figure-3: Detailed View of the Key Reduced Results

  1. The total number of orders documents made that contain the key 'companies/85-A' - which is 6
    and the total orders amount made by company `companies/85-A' - which is 2,272.75

  2. A detailed info of these aggregated values showing per document selected.
    Note: per each document, the OrdesCount is '1', as each company makes one order.

  • 4. View details of all entries
Figure 4. All Entry details

Figure-4: Detailed View of All Entries

  • A detailed view of all the entries in the index that have 'companies/85-A' for their key (the 'Company' field).
    Only the selected documents are listed explicitly in the Source Document column.

Map-Reduce Visualizer for Big Data

  • 5. Visualizer results for big data
Figure 5. Big Data Tree

Figure-5: Results for Big Data

  • Once past a certain size, RavenDB starts processing the Map-Reduce entries in a treelike fashion.

  • 6. Visualizer details for big data
Figure 6. Big Data Details

Figure-6: Details for Big Data

  • When there is a lot of data for a particular key, RavenDB will segment the data,
    so that a minimal number of aggregation operations is required.

  • For example, consider an update to document orders/77-A in the above image.
    First, the Map function is run on the updated document, giving a Map entry to write to page #1047.
    Then, the Reduce function is run on this page, giving the final tally for page #1047.
    We'll then recurse upward, toward page #1391, where the Reduce is run again.