Authentication: Certificate Renewal & Rotation

X.509 certificates have expiration dates and must be renewed once in a while.

When using the Setup Wizard to obtain a Let's Encrypt certificate, you don't have to worry about this. Read about Automatic Let's Encrypt Renewals in RavenDB.

If you provided your own certificate to RavenDB, it is your responsibility to renew it.

Once you have a new valid certificate for your server/cluster you need to make RavenDB use it instead of the currently loaded certificate. Replacing a certificate in the cluster is a distributed operation which requires all the nodes to confirm the replacement. The actual update will happen when all nodes of the cluster confirm the replacement or when there are 3 days left for expiration.

You can also ignore these limits and replace the certificates immediately but beware of this option. Nodes which didn't confirm the replacement, will not be able to re-join the cluster and will have to be setup manually. This means the new certificate will have to be placed manually in that node.

To manually replace the server certificate you can either edit settings.json with a new certificate path and restart the server or you can overwrite the existing certificate file and the server will pick it up within one hour without requiring a restart.


The new certificate must contain all of the cluster domain names in the CN or ASN properties of the certificate. Otherwise you will get an authentication error because SSL/TLS requires the domain in the certificate to match with the actual domain being used.

Replace the Cluster Certificate Using the Studio

Access the certificate view, click on Cluster certificate -> Replace cluster certificate and upload the new certificate PFX file.

This will start the certificate replacement process.

When running as a cluster, the replacement process is a distributed operation. It involves sending the new certificate to all nodes, and requires all nodes to confirm receipt and replacement of the certificate.

Only when all nodes have confirmed, the cluster will start using this new certificate.

If a node is not responding during the replacement, the operation will not complete until one of the following happens:

  • The node will come back online. It should pick up the replacement command and join the replacement process automatically.

  • There are only 3 days left for the expiration of the certificate. In this case, the cluster will complete the operation without the node which is down. When bringing that node up, the certificate must be replaced manually.

  • Replace immediately is chosen. In this case, the cluster will complete the operation without the node which is down. When bringing that node up, the certificate must be replaced manually.

During the process you will receive alerts in the studio and in the logs indicating the status of the operation and any errors if they occur. The alerts are displayed for each node independently.

Replace the Cluster Certificate Using Powershell

Here is a little example of using the REST API directly with powershell to replace the cluster certificate:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

$clientCert = Get-PfxCertificate -FilePath C:\path\to\client\cert\admin.client.certificate.raven.pfx

$newCert = get-content 'C:\path\to\server\cert\new.certificate.pfx' -Encoding Byte

$newCertBase64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($newCert)

$payload = @{
    Name              = "MyNewCert";
    Certificate       = $newCertBase64;
} | ConvertTo-Json

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Certificate $clientCert -Method POST -Body $payload -ContentType "application/json"