Time Series
- Time series are sets of numeric data, associated with timestamps and ordered by time.
The studio interface allows you to edit, query and index time series data, as well as view it as a list of entries or as a graph.
In this page:
Document View

Time Series - Document View
- To view a document's time series, open its document view and click the time series tab on the right.
- Click to create a new time series, see more below.
- Click to view and modify time series data.
Displays the time series':
- Name
- The number of entries it contains
- The range of time from the first to the last entry in the time series
Time Series View

Time Series View
- Click to add a new entry to this time series (StockPrices), or click the dropdown to create a new time series.
- Delete all entries from a specified time range.
- Edit entry.
Displays time series entries' data, including -
- Timestamp
- Numerical data (1-32
values) - Optional tag
Create new Time Series (by Creating the First Entry)
A time series is created upon the creation of its first entry (and deleted once all entries have been deleted).
Click the Add Time Series button from the Document View to create the time series' first entry.

Add Time Series

Add Time Series Entry
- Enter time series' name.
- Select a timestamp for the new entry.
- Create an optional tag.
- Add one or more numerical values (up to 32 values).
Time series entry values can be given meaningful names rather than labels like Value #0 and Value #1.
To set entry values' names, use Studio's Time Series Settings View.
Editing an Entry
- Click the Edit Item button from the Time Series View to edit a time series' entry.

Edit Time Series

Edit Time Series Entry
- Edit the optional tag.
- Edit a numerical value.
- Delete value.
- Add an additional value (up to 32 values).
Deleting a Range of Entries
- Click the Delete Range button from the Time Series View to delete a range of time series entries.

Delete Range Button

Delete Range
To specify a range of time series entries:
- Start Date
Check Use minimum to use the first entry's timestamp as the start of the range, - End Date
Check Use maximum to use the last entry's timestamp as the end of the range.
- For either option, you can click the input bar and specify some other date in the date & time dialog shown below.

Delete Range - Pick Date and Time
Querying Time Series

Time Series Query
Enter your RQL query in the query box.
Depicted here is a query to get all the StockPrices time series values from documents in the Companies collection.
Learn more about time series queries here. -
Click to run the query.
Query Results - A list of time series that satisfy the query, with:
- The ID of the associated document.
- Number of entries and time range.

Time Series Query - Actions
- Click to open a tab with the time series query results shown in a table.
- Click to open a tab with the time series query results shown in a graph (see below).
Multiple documents selection
- a. Select multiple documents to plot their time series.
- b. Click to view the selected documents' time series results in a unified graph.
Results in Graph View

Time series results in a graph
- A graph of time series results in a selected time frame.
- A graph showing all the time series results over time.
- The selected time frame.
- A legend of time series entries' values.
The entry values names are set in Studio's Settings > Time Series view.

Time series results in a graph - Actions
- Click to go back to the query results tab.
- Display tabs with graph or table results.
- Drag or resize the selected time frame to view the corresponding results.
- Hover your mouse over the graph to view the data of one particular entry.
- Toggle viewing points or a continuous line.
- Check/Uncheck to plot or hide time series entries' values on the graph.