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updated to .NET 6.0.20[.NET]
updated to .NET 6.0.19 to fix functional regression in X.509 Certificate imports introduced by MS in .NET 6.0.18 and described in KB5028608[Linux]
fixed cgroups integration error handling[Linux]
support for cgroups v2[Querying]
fixed possible AVE issue when during query execution low memory event was triggered[.NET]
updated to .NET 6.0.18 [Backups]
fixed backup status for offline and not modified database[Backups]
fixed issue with delaying backup not appropriately decreasing the semaphore for max number of concurrent backups[Backups]
can cancel now Backup during Retention policy execution[Backups]
fixed issue with the Delay date not being updated properly after we delay a backup[Cluster]
fixed issue with 'ClusterTransactionIdBase64' and 'DatabaseTopologyIdBase64' being set to null after 'HardResetToNewCluster' is executed[Configuration]
fixed issue with identity parts separator not getting the default value when client configuration gets disabled[Logging]
fixed possible issue with Microsoft Logs bein disabled, yet still getting written[.NET]
updated to .NET 6.0.16[JSON]
added nested generic types support to 'DefaultRavenSerializationBinder'[HTTP]
fixed a race condition when spawning a node health check and simultaneously timeout and topology update occurs[HTTP]
fixed HTTP Cache possible memory leak[Debug]
added additional options for collection of Debug information[Client Configuration]
allow to set both 'use session context' and 'read balance behavior'[Database]
added the ability to restart a database[Documents]
fixed issue with downloading huge document as text, instead of JSON