Document Refresh

  • The Refresh feature increments a document's change vector, triggering its re-indexation as well as other features that react to document updates.

  • Refresh is scheduled using the @refresh flag in a document's metadata.

  • In this page:


To refresh a document, add a @refresh flag to a document's metadata with a value of type DateTime (this must be in UTC format, i.e. DateTime.UtcNow). This specifies when the document should be refreshed.

This will cause the document to refresh only once! The refresh operation removes the @refresh flag.

The exact time that the document refreshes is not determined by the value of @refresh - rather, the server refreshes documents at regular intervals determined by the Refresh Configuration. The default interval is 60 seconds.

Refreshing a document causes its change vector to increment the same way it would after any other kind of update to the document. This triggers any features that react to documents updating, including but not limited to:


To activate and/or configure document refreshing, the server needs to be sent a RefreshConfiguration object using a ConfigureRefreshOperation operation.

RefreshConfiguration Object

public class RefreshConfiguration
    public bool Disabled { get; set; }
    public long? RefreshFrequencyInSec { get; set; }
Parameter Type Description
Disabled bool If set to true, document refreshing is disabled for the entire database. Default: true
RefreshFrequencyInSec long Determines how often the server checks for documents that need to be refreshed. Default: 60


Alternatively, document refreshing can also be configured in the studio, under Settings > Document Refresh.

NoSQL DB Server - Document Refresh

NoSQL DB Server - Document Refresh


Example I

How to set refresh configuration for a database:

var refreshConfig = new RefreshConfiguration
    Disabled = false,
    RefreshFrequencyInSec = 300

var result = documentStore.Maintenance.Send(new ConfigureRefreshOperation(refreshConfig));

This activates document refreshing and sets the interval at 5 minutes.

Example II

How to set a document to refresh 1 hour from now:

using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
    var document = session.Load<object>("users/1-A");

    session.Advanced.GetMetadataFor(document)["@refresh"] = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1);
