Ongoing Tasks: OLAP ETL

Client API

Creating an OLAP ETL task through the client is very similar to creating a RavenDB or SQL ETL task. All cases use the AddEtlOperation. For OLAP you will need an OlapEtlConfiguration which itself needs an OlapConnectionString. Their configuration options are listed below.

This is an example of a basic OLAP ETL creation operation:

AddEtlOperation<OlapConnectionString> operation = new AddEtlOperation<OlapConnectionString>(
    new OlapEtlConfiguration
        ConnectionStringName = "olap-connection-string-name",
        Name = "Orders ETL",
        Transforms =
            new Transformation
                Name = "Script #1",
                Collections =
                Script = @"var orderDate = new Date(this.OrderedAt);
                           var year = orderDate.getFullYear();
                           var month = orderDate.getMonth();
                           var key = new Date(year, month);

                           loadToOrders(key, {
                               Company : this.Company,
                               ShipVia : this.ShipVia

AddEtlOperationResult result = store.Maintenance.Send(operation);


Property Type Description
RunFrequency string Takes a cron expression which determines how often the server will execute the ETL process.
CustomPartitionValue string A value that can be used as a partition name in multiple scripts. See below.
OlapTables List<OlapEtlTable> List of naming configurations for individual tables. See more details below.


The OLAP connection string contains the configurations for each destination of the ETL task.

Property Description
LocalSettings Settings for storing the data locally.
S3Settings Settings for an AWS S3 bucket.
GlacierSettings Settings for an AWS Glacier.
AzureSettings Settings for Azure.
GoogleCloudSettings Settings for Google Cloud Platform.
FTPSettings Settings for File Transfer Protocol.

ETL destination settings

This is the list of different settings objects that the OlapConnectionString object can contain.


Property Type Description
FolderPath string Path to local folder. If this property is not set, the data is saved to the location specified in the setting Storage.TempPath. If that setting has no value, the data is instead saved to the location specified in the setting CoreConfiguration.DataDirectory.


Property Type Description
Url string The FTP URL
Port int The FTP port
UserName string The username used for authentication
Password string Authentication password
CertificateFileName string The name of your local certificate file
CertificateAsBase64 string The certificate in base 64 format


Property Type Description
AwsAccessKey string Main certificate for the AWS server
AwsSecretKey string Encryption certificate for the AWS server
AwsSessionToken string AWS session token
AwsRegionName string The AWS server region
BucketName string The name of the S3 bucket that is the destination for this ETL
CustomServerUrl string The custom URL to the S3 bucket, if you have one
RemoteFolderName string Name of the destination folder within the S3 bucket
ForcePathStyle bool Change the default S3 bucket path convention on custom S3 server


Property Type Description
AwsAccessKey string Main certificate for the AWS server
AwsSecretKey string Encryption certificate for the AWS server
AwsSessionToken string AWS session token
AwsRegionName string The AWS server region
VaultName string The name of your AWS Glacier vault
RemoteFolderName string Name of the destination folder within the Glacier


Property Type Description
StorageContainer string Microsoft Azure Storage container name
RemoteFolderName string Path to remote Azure folder
AccountName string The name of your Azure account
AccountKey string Your Azure account key
SasToken string Your SaS token for authentication


Property Type Description
BucketName string Google cloud storage bucket name
RemoteFolderName string Path to remote bucket folder
GoogleCredentialsJson string Authentication credentials to your Google Cloud Storage


Optional, more detailed naming configuration.

Property Type Description
TableName string The name of the table. This should usually be the name of the source collection.
DocumentIdColumn string A name for the id column of the table. Default: "_id"

ETL Run Frequency

Unlike other ETL tasks, OLAP ETL operates only in batches at regular intervals, rather than triggering a new round every time a document updates.
If a document has been updated after ETL (even if updated data has not actually been loaded) they are distinguished by _lastModifiedTime, the value of the last-modified field in a document's metadata in unix time. This field appears as another column in the destination tables.

Transform Script

Transformation scripts are similar to those in the RavenDB ETL and SQL ETL tasks - see more about this in ETL Basics. The major difference is that data output by the ETL task can be divided into folders and child folders called partitions. Querying the data usually involves scanning the entire folder, so there is an efficiency advantage to dividing the data into more folders.

The key Parameter

As with other ETL tasks, the method that loads an entry to its destination is loadTo<folder name>(), but unlike the other ETL tasks, the method takes two parameters: the entry itself, and an additional 'key'. This key determines how many partitions there are and what their names are.

loadTo<folder name>(key, object)

The method's name determines the name of the parent folder that the method outputs to. If you want to output data to a folder called "Sales", use the method loadToSales(). The parameter key determines the names of one or more layers of child folders that contain the actual destination table.

The actual value that you pass as the key for loadTo<folder name>() is one of two methods:

  • partitionBy() - creates one or more child folders (one inside the other).
  • noPartition() - creates no child folders.

The child folders created by OLAP ETL are considered a sort of 'virtual column' of the destination table. This just means that all child folder names have this format: [virtual column name]=[partition value], i.e. two strings separated by a =. The default virtual column name is _partition.

partitionBy() can take one or more folder names in the following ways:

  • partitionBy(key) - takes a partition value and uses the default virtual column name _partition. The partition value can be a string, number, date, etc.
  • partitionBy(['name', key]) - takes a virtual column name and a partition value as an array of size two.
  • partitonBy(['name1', key1], ['name2', key2], ... ) - takes multiple arrays of size two, each with a virtual column name and a partition value. Each pair represents a child folder of the preceding pair.

Here are examples of possible values for partitionBy(), and the resulting folder names:

//Loads the data to /MyFolder/_partition=one/

    partitionBy(['month', 'August']),
//Loads the data to /MyFolder/month=August/

    partitionBy(['month', 'August'], ['day', '22'], ['hour', '17']),
//Loads the data to /MyFolder/month=August/day=22/hour=17

// Loads the data to e.g. /MyFolder/_partition=Apple

    partitionBy(['month', new Date(this.OrderedAt).getMonth()]),
//Loads the data to e.g. /MyFolder/month=8

Alternative Syntax

The target folder name can be passed to the loadTo command separately, as a string argument, using this syntax: loadTo('folder_name', key, object)

  • Example:
    The following two calls to loadTo are equivalent.
    loadToOrders(key, object)
    loadTo('Orders', key, object)

  • The target name 'Orders' in this syntax is not a variable and cannot be used as one: it is simply a string literal of the target's name.
  • Separating the target name from the loadTo command makes it possible to include symbols like - and . in target names. This is not possible when the standard loadToOrders syntax is used because including special characters in the name of a JS function turns it invalid.

The Custom Partition Value

The custom partition value is a string value that can be set in the OlapEtlConfiguration object. This value can be referenced in the transform script as $customPartitionValue. This setting gives you another way to distinguish data from different ETL tasks that use the same transform script.

Suppose you want to create multiple OLAP ETL tasks that all use the same transform script and connection string. All the tasks will output to the same destination folders, but suppose you want to be able to indicate which data came from which task. This custom partition value gives you a simple way to achieve this: all the tasks can run the same script, and each script can output the data to a destination folder with the name determined by that task's custom partition value setting.

partitionBy(['source_ETL_task', $customPartitionValue])

In the case of multiple partitions, the custom partition value can be used more than once, and it can appear anywhere in the folder structure.

Script Example

//Define the object that will be added to the table
var orderData = {
    Company : this.Company,
    RequireAt : new Date(this.RequireAt),
    ItemCount: this.Lines.length

//Create the partition names
var orderDate = new Date(this.OrderedAt);
var year = orderDate.getFullYear();
var month = orderDate.getMonth();

//Load to the folder: /OrderData/Year=<year>/Month=<month>/
loadToOrderData(partitionBy(['Year', year], ['Month', month]), orderData);

Athena Examples

Athena is a SQL query engine in the AWS environment that can both read directly from S3 buckets and output to S3 buckets.

Here are a few examples of queries you can run in Athena. But first, you need to configure the destination for your query results: go to settings, and under "query result location" input the path to your preferred bucket. Read more here

Create a monthly_sales table from parquet data stored in s3:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE mydatabase.monthly_sales (
    `_id` string,
    `Qty` int,
    `Product` string,
    `Cost` int,
    `_lastModifiedTime` int
PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
STORED AS parquet
LOCATION 's3://ravendb-test/olap/tryouts/data/Sales'

Load all partitions:

MSCK REPAIR TABLE monthly_sales

Select everything in the table:

select *
from monthly_sales

Select specific fields:

select _id orderId, qty quantity, product, cost
from monthly_sales

Filter based on product name:

select *
from monthly_sales
where product = 'Products/2'

Filter based on date (this is where partitioning adds efficiency - only the relevant folders are scanned):

select *
from monthly_sales
where dt >= '2020-01-01' and dt <= '2020-02-01'

From all items sold, select the maximum cost (price) per order:

select _id orderId, max(cost) cost
from monthly_sales
group by _id

Querying for the most recent version in an append-only table: e.g. select everything in the table, and in case we have duplicates (multiple rows with the same id) - only take the most recent version (the one with the highest _lastModifiedTime):

FROM monthly_orders o
   (SELECT _id,
        MAX(_lastModifiedTime) AS latest
   FROM monthly_orders
   GROUP BY  _id) oo
   ON o._id = oo._id
       AND o._lastModifiedTime = oo.latest

Apache Parquet

Parquet is an open-source text-based file format. Like ORC, columns are stored together instead of rows being stored together (the same fields from multiple documents, rather than whole documents). This makes queries more efficient.