Data Subscriptions: Common Data Subscription Creation Examples

Create subscription on all documents in a collection

Here we create a plain subscription on the Orders collection, without any constraint or transformation.

name = await store.Subscriptions.CreateAsync(new SubscriptionCreationOptions<Order>
    Name = "OrdersProcessingSumbscription"
name = await store.Subscriptions.CreateAsync(new SubscriptionCreationOptions()
    Query = "From Orders"

Create subscription with filtering

Here we create a subscription on Orders collection, which total order revenue is greater than 100.

name = await store.Subscriptions.CreateAsync<Order>(x =>
    x.Lines.Sum(line => line.PricePerUnit * line.Quantity) > 100);
name = await store.Subscriptions.CreateAsync(new SubscriptionCreationOptions()
    Query = @"
                declare function getOrderLinesSum(doc){
                    var sum = 0;
                    for (var i in doc.Lines) { sum += doc.Lines[i];}
                    return sum;
                From Orders as o 
                Where getOrderLinesSum(o) > 100"

Create subscription with filtering and projection

Here we create a subscription on Orders collection, which total order revenue is greater than 100, and return only ID and total revenue.

name = store.Subscriptions.Create(
    new SubscriptionCreationOptions<Order>()
        Filter = x => x.Lines.Sum(line => line.PricePerUnit * line.Quantity) > 100,
        Projection = x => new
            Id = x.Id,
            Total = x.Lines.Sum(line => line.PricePerUnit * line.Quantity)
name = await store.Subscriptions.CreateAsync(new SubscriptionCreationOptions()
    Query = @"declare function getOrderLinesSum(doc){
                    var sum = 0;
                    for (var i in doc.Lines) { sum += doc.Lines[i];}
                    return sum;

                declare function projectOrder(doc){
                    return {
                        Id: order.Id,
                        Total: getOrderLinesSum(order)

                From Orders as o 
                Where getOrderLinesSum(o) > 100
                Select projectOrder(o)"

Create subscription with load document in filter projection

Here we create a subscription on Orders collection, which total order revenue is greater than 100, and return ID, total revenue, shipping address and responsible employee name.

name = store.Subscriptions.Create(
    new SubscriptionCreationOptions<Order>()
        Filter = x => x.Lines.Sum(line => line.PricePerUnit * line.Quantity) > 100,
        Projection = x => new
            Id = x.Id,
            Total = x.Lines.Sum(line => line.PricePerUnit * line.Quantity),
            ShipTo = x.ShipTo,
            EmployeeName = RavenQuery.Load<Employee>(x.Employee).FirstName + " " +
name = await store.Subscriptions.CreateAsync(new SubscriptionCreationOptions()
    Query = @"declare function getOrderLinesSum(doc){
                    var sum = 0;
                    for (var i in doc.Lines) { sum += doc.Lines[i];}
                    return sum;

                declare function projectOrder(doc){
                    var employee = load(doc.Employee);
                    return {
                        Id: order.Id,
                        Total: getOrderLinesSum(order),
                        ShipTo: order.ShipTo,
                        EmployeeName: employee.FirstName + ' ' + employee.LastName


                From Orders as o 
                Where getOrderLinesSum(o) > 100
                Select projectOrder(o)"

Create subscription with include statement

Here we create a subscription on the collection Orders, which returns the orders and brings along all products mentioned in the order as included documents. See the usage example here.

Include statements can be added to a subscription in the raw RQL, or with the ISubscriptionIncludeBuilder.

The subscription include builder is assigned to the option Includes in SubscriptionCreationOptions<T> (see subscription API overview). It supports methods for including documents as well as counters. These methods can be chained.

In raw RQL, include statements come in two forms, like in any other RQL statements:
1. Include statement in the end of the query, starting with the include keyword, followed by paths to the field containing the IDs of the documents to include.
If projection is performed, the mechanism will look for the paths in the projected result, rather then the original document.
It is recommended to prefer this approach when possible both because of clarity of the query and slightly better performance.
2. Include function call inside a 'declared' function.

store.Subscriptions.Create(new SubscriptionCreationOptions<Order>()
    Includes = builder => builder
        .IncludeDocuments(x => x.Lines.Select(y => y.Product))
store.Subscriptions.Create(new SubscriptionCreationOptions()
    Query = @"from Orders include Lines[].Product"
store.Subscriptions.Create(new SubscriptionCreationOptions()
    Query = @"
                declare function includeProducts(doc) 
                    doc.LinesCount = doc.Lines.length;
                    for (let i=0; i< doc.Lines.length; i++)
                    return doc;
                from Orders as o select includeProducts(o)"

Including Counters

ISubscriptionIncludeBuilder has three methods for including counters:

ISubscriptionIncludeBuilder<T> IncludeCounter(string name);

ISubscriptionIncludeBuilder<T> IncludeCounters(string[] names);

ISubscriptionIncludeBuilder<T> IncludeAllCounters();

IncludeCounter is used to specify a single counter, and IncludeCounters for multiple counters. IncludeAllCounters retrieves all counters from all subscribed documents.

Parameters Type Description
name string The name of a counter. The subscription will include all counters with this name that are contained in the documents the subscription retrieves.
names string[] Array of counter names.

In this example, we create a subscription that uses all three methods to include counters. This demonstrates how the methods can be chained (needless to say, calling IncludeAllCounters() makes the other two methods redundant).

store.Subscriptions.Create(new SubscriptionCreationOptions<Order>()
    Includes = builder => builder
        .IncludeCounters(new[] { "pros", "cons" })

Create revisions enabled subscription

Here we create a subscription on Orders collection, which returns current and previous version of the subscriptions. Please see the page dedicated to subscriptions with revisions for more details and examples.

name = store.Subscriptions.Create(
    new SubscriptionCreationOptions<Revision<Order>>());
name = await store.Subscriptions.CreateAsync(new SubscriptionCreationOptions()
    Query = @"From Orders (Revisions = true)"

Update existing subscription

Here we update the filter query of an existing data subscription named "my subscription".

store.Subscriptions.Update(new SubscriptionUpdateOptions()
    Name = "my subscription",
    Query = "From Orders"

In addition to names, subscriptions also have a subscription ID on the server side. The ID can be used to identify the subscription instead of using its name. This allows use to change an existing subscription's name by specifying the subscription with the ID, and submitting a new string in the Name field of the SubscriptionUpdateOptions.

SubscriptionState mySubscription = store.Subscriptions.GetSubscriptionState("my subscription");

long subscriptionId = mySubscription.SubscriptionId;

store.Subscriptions.Update(new SubscriptionUpdateOptions()
    Id = subscriptionId,
    Name = "new name"