Get Index Names Operation

Get index names example

// Define the get index names operation
// Pass number of indexes to skip & number of indexes to retrieve
var getIndexNamesOp = new GetIndexNamesOperation(0, 10);

// Execute the operation by passing it to Maintenance.Send
string[] indexNames = store.Maintenance.Send(getIndexNamesOp);

// indexNames will contain the first 10 indexes, alphabetically ordered
// Define the get index names operation
// Pass number of indexes to skip & number of indexes to retrieve
var getIndexNamesOp = new GetIndexNamesOperation(0, 10);

// Execute the operation by passing it to Maintenance.SendAsync
string[] indexNames = await store.Maintenance.SendAsync(getIndexNamesOp);

// indexNames will contain the first 10 indexes, alphabetically ordered


public GetIndexNamesOperation(int start, int pageSize)
Parameters Type Description
start int Number of index names to skip
pageSize int Number of index names to retrieve
Return Value of store.Maintenance.Send(getIndexNamesOp)
string[] A list of index names alphabetically ordered