Project Query Results
Instead of pulling full documents in query results you can just grab some pieces of data from documents. You can also transform the projected results. The projections are defined in LINQ with the usage of:
The most common way to perform a query with projection is to use the Select
method. You can specify what fields from a document you want to retrieve and even provide complex expression.
Example I - Projecting Individual Fields of the Document
// request Name, City and Country for all entities from 'Companies' collection
var results = session
.Select(x => new
Name = x.Name,
City = x.Address.City,
Country = x.Address.Country
// request Name, City and Country for all entities from 'Companies' collection
var results = await asyncSession
.Select(x => new
Name = x.Name,
City = x.Address.City,
Country = x.Address.Country
from Companies
select Name, Address.City as City, Address.Country as Country
Example II - Projecting Arrays and Objects
var results = session
.Select(x => new
ShipTo = x.ShipTo,
Products = x.Lines.Select(y => y.ProductName),
var results = await asyncSession
.Select(x => new
ShipTo = x.ShipTo,
Products = x.Lines.Select(y => y.ProductName),
from Orders
select ShipTo, Lines[].ProductName as Products
Example III - Projection with Expression
var results = (from e in session.Query<Employee>()
select new
FullName = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,
var results = await (from e in asyncSession.Query<Employee>()
select new
FullName = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,
from Employees as e
select {
FullName : e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName
Example IV - Projection with let
var results = (from e in session.Query<Employee>()
let format = (Func<Employee, string>)(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName)
select new
FullName = format(e)
var results = await (from e in asyncSession.Query<Employee>()
let format = (Func<Employee, string>)(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName)
select new
FullName = format(e)
declare function output(e) {
var format = function(p){ return p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName; };
return { FullName : format(e) };
from Employees as e select output(e)
Example V - Projection with Calculation
var results = session
.Select(x => new
Total = x.Lines.Sum(l => l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity),
var results = await asyncSession
.Select(x => new
Total = x.Lines.Sum(l => l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity),
from Orders as o
select {
Total : o.Lines.reduce(
(acc , l) => acc += l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity, 0)
Example VI - Projection Using a Loaded Document
var results = (from o in session.Query<Order>()
let c = RavenQuery.Load<Company>(o.Company)
select new
CompanyName = c.Name,
ShippedAt = o.ShippedAt
var results = (from o in asyncSession.Query<Order>()
let c = RavenQuery.Load<Company>(o.Company)
select new
CompanyName = c.Name,
ShippedAt = o.ShippedAt
from Orders as o
load o.Company as c
select {
CompanyName: c.Name,
ShippedAt: o.ShippedAt
Example VII - Projection with Dates
var results = session
.Select(e => new
DayOfBirth = e.Birthday.Day,
MonthOfBirth = e.Birthday.Month,
Age = DateTime.Today.Year - e.Birthday.Year
var results = await asyncSession
.Select(e => new
DayOfBirth = e.Birthday.Day,
MonthOfBirth = e.Birthday.Month,
Age = DateTime.Today.Year - e.Birthday.Year
from Employees as e
select {
DayOfBirth : new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday)).getDate(),
MonthOfBirth : new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday)).getMonth() + 1,
Age : new Date().getFullYear() - new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday)).getFullYear()
Example VIII - Projection with Raw JavaScript Code
var results = from e in session.Query<Employee>()
select new
Date = RavenQuery.Raw<DateTime>("new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday))"),
Name = RavenQuery.Raw(e.FirstName, "substr(0,3)"),
var results = await (from e in asyncSession.Query<Employee>()
select new
Date = RavenQuery.Raw<DateTime>("new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday))"),
Name = RavenQuery.Raw(e.FirstName, "substr(0,3)"),
from Employees as e
select {
Date : new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday)),
Name : e.FirstName.substr(0,3)
Example IX - Projection with Metadata
var results = (from e in session.Query<Employee>()
select new
Name = e.FirstName,
Metadata = RavenQuery.Metadata(e),
var results = await (from e in asyncSession.Query<Employee>()
select new
Name = e.FirstName,
Metadata = RavenQuery.Metadata(e),
from Employees as e
select {
Name : e.FirstName,
Metadata : getMetadata(e)
The SelectFields
method can only be used with the Document Query.
It has two overloads:
// 1) By array of fields
IDocumentQuery<TProjection> SelectFields<TProjection>(params string[] fields);
// 2) By projection type
IDocumentQuery<TProjection> SelectFields<TProjection>();
1) The fields of the projection are specified as a string
array of field names. It also takes the type of the projection as
a generic parameter.
var fields = new string[]{
var results = session
.DocumentQuery<Company, Companies_ByContact>()
var fields = new string[]{
var results = await asyncSession
.AsyncDocumentQuery<Company, Companies_ByContact>()
public class Companies_ByContact : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Company>
public Companies_ByContact()
Map = companies => companies
.Select(x => new
Name = x.Contact.Name,
StoreAllFields(FieldStorage.Yes); // Name and Phone fields can be retrieved directly from index
public class ContactDetails
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
from index 'Companies/ByContact'
select Name, Phone
2) The projection is defined by simply passing the projection type as the generic parameter.
var results = session
.DocumentQuery<Company, Companies_ByContact>()
var results = await asyncSession
.AsyncDocumentQuery<Company, Companies_ByContact>()
public class Companies_ByContact : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Company>
public Companies_ByContact()
Map = companies => companies
.Select(x => new
Name = x.Contact.Name,
StoreAllFields(FieldStorage.Yes); // Name and Phone fields can be retrieved directly from index
public class ContactDetails
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
from index 'Companies/ByContact'
select Name, Phone
Projection Behavior
The SelectFields
methods can also take a ProjectionBehavior
parameter, which
determines whether the query should retrieve indexed data or directly retrieve
document data, and what to do when the data can't be retrieved. Learn more
IDocumentQuery<TProjection> SelectFields<TProjection>(ProjectionBehavior projectionBehavior,
params string[] fields);
IDocumentQuery<TProjection> SelectFields<TProjection>(ProjectionBehavior projectionBehavior);
This extension method retrieves all public fields and properties of the type given in generic and uses them to perform projection to the requested type.
You can use this method instead of using Select
together with all fields of the projection class.
var results = session.Query<Company, Companies_ByContact>()
var results = await asyncSession.Query<Company, Companies_ByContact>()
from index 'Companies/ByContact'
select Name, Phone
public class Companies_ByContact : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Company>
public Companies_ByContact()
Map = companies => companies
.Select(x => new
Name = x.Contact.Name,
StoreAllFields(FieldStorage.Yes); // Name and Phone fields can be retrieved directly from index
public class ContactDetails
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
OfType (As) - simple projection
or As
is a client-side projection. The easiest explanation of how it works is to take the results that the server returns and map them to given type. This may become useful when querying an index that contains fields that are not available in mapped type.
// query index 'Products_BySupplierName'
// return documents from collection 'Products' that have a supplier 'Norske Meierier'
// project them to 'Products'
List<Product> results = session
.Query<Products_BySupplierName.Result, Products_BySupplierName>()
.Where(x => x.Name == "Norske Meierier")
// query index 'Products_BySupplierName'
// return documents from collection 'Products' that have a supplier 'Norske Meierier'
// project them to 'Products'
List<Product> results = await asyncSession
.Query<Products_BySupplierName.Result, Products_BySupplierName>()
.Where(x => x.Name == "Norske Meierier")
public class Products_BySupplierName : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Product>
public class Result
public string Name { get; set; }
public Products_BySupplierName()
Map =
products =>
from product in products
let supplier = LoadDocument<Supplier>(product.Supplier)
select new
Name = supplier.Name
Projected entities (even named types) are not tracked by the session.
If the projected fields are stored inside the index itself (FieldStorage.Yes
in the index definition), then the query results will be created directly from there instead of retrieving documents in order to project.