Indexes: Additional Assemblies


Additional assemblies are defined using the AdditionalAssembly object.

public class AdditionalAssembly
    public static AdditionalAssembly FromRuntime(string assemblyName, 
                                                 HashSet<string> usings = null);

    public static AdditionalAssembly FromPath(string assemblyPath, 
                                              HashSet<string> usings = null);

    public static AdditionalAssembly FromNuGet(string packageName, 
                                               string packageVersion, 
                                               string packageSourceUrl = null, 
                                               HashSet<string> usings = null);
Parameter Type Description
assemblyName string The name of an assembly to import from runtime
assemblyPath string Local path to an assembly
packageName string Name of a NuGet package to import
packageVersion string The version number of the NuGet package - optional
packageSourceUrl string The URL of the package's original source - optional
usings HashSet<string> A set of namespaces to attach to the compiled index with using - optional

The AdditionalAssemblys are collected in AdditionalAssemblies, a property of IndexDefinition:

public HashSet<AdditionalAssembly> AdditionalAssemblies;


Basic Example

This index is able to use the method GetFileName() from the class Path because the namespace System.IO has been imported as an additional assembly. It takes a string file path and retrieves just the file name and extension.

var runtimeindex = new IndexDefinition
    Name = "Dog_Pictures",
    Maps = { @"
        from user in docs.Users
        let fileName = Path.GetFileName(user.ImagePath)
        where fileName = ""My_Dogs.jpeg""
        select new {
    AdditionalAssemblies = {

Complex Example

This index uses a machine learning algorithm imported from NuGet that can recognize the contents of images and classify them with an appropriate tag. These tags are then stored in the index just like any other term.

store.Maintenance.Send(new PutIndexesOperation(new IndexDefinition
    Name = "Photographs/Tags",
    Maps =
        from p in docs.Photographs
        let photo = LoadAttachment(p, ""photo.png"")
        where photo != null
        let classified =  ImageClassifier.Classify(photo.GetContentAsStream())
        select new {
            Tag = classified.Where(x => x.Value > 0.75f).Select(x => x.Key),
            _ = classified.Select(x => CreateField(x.Key, x.Value))
    AdditionalSources = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>
            public static class ImageClassifier
                public static IDictionary<string, float> Classify(Stream s)
                    // returns a list of descriptors with a
                    // value between 0 and 1 of how well the
                    // image matches that descriptor.

    AdditionalAssemblies =
        AdditionalAssembly.FromNuGet("System.Drawing.Common", "4.7.0"),
        AdditionalAssembly.FromNuGet("Microsoft.ML", "1.5.2")

Pre-Release Packages

Additional assemblies are allowed to include pre-release packages.

AdditionalAssemblies = {
    AdditionalAssembly.FromNuGet("FlexiMvvm.Common.PreRelease", "0.10.8-prerelease")