Querying: Projections
There are couple of ways to perform projections in RavenDB:
- projections using Select
- using SelectFields
- using ProjectInto
- using OfType (As)
What are Projections and When to Use Them
When performing a query, we usually pull the full document back from the server.
However, we often need to display the data to the user. Instead of pulling the whole document back and picking just what we'll show, we can ask the server to send us just the details we want to show the user and thus reduce the amount of traffic on the network.
The savings can be very significant if we need to show just a bit of information on a large document.
A good example in the sample data set would be the order document. If we ask for all the Orders where Company is "companies/65-A", the size of the result that we get back from the server is 19KB.
However, if we perform the same query and ask to get back only the Employee and OrderedAt fields, the size of the result is only 5KB.
Aside from allowing you to pick only a portion of the data, projection functions give you the ability to rename some fields, load external documents, and perform transformations on the results.
Projections are Applied as the Last Stage in the Query
It is important to understand that projections are applied after the query has been processed, filtered,
sorted, and paged. The projection doesn't apply to all the documents in the database, only to the results
that are actually returned.
This reduces the load on the server significantly, since we can avoid doing work only to throw it immediately
after. It also means that we cannot do any filtering work as part of the projection. You can filter what will
be returned, but not which documents will be returned. That has already been determined earlier in the query
The Cost of Running a Projection
Another consideration to take into account is the cost of running the projection. It is possible to make the projection query expensive to run. RavenDB has limits on the amount of time it will spend in evaluating the projection, and exceeding these (quite generous) limits will fail the query.
Projections and Stored Fields
If a projection function only requires fields that are stored, then the document will not be loaded from storage and all data will come from the index directly. This can increase query performance (by the cost of disk space used) in many situations when whole document is not needed. You can read more about field storing here.
Example I - Projecting Individual Fields of the Document
var results = session
.Query<Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName>()
.Select(x => new
FirstName = x.FirstName,
LastName = x.LastName
public class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee>
public Employees_ByFirstAndLastName()
Map = employees => from employee in employees
select new
FirstName = employee.FirstName,
LastName = employee.LastName
from index 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName'
select FirstName, LastName
This will issue a query to a database, requesting only FirstName
and LastName
from all documents that
index entries match query predicate from Employees/ByFirstAndLastName
index. What does it mean? If an index
entry matches our query predicate, then we will try to extract all requested fields from that particular entry.
If all requested fields are available in there, then we do not download it from storage.
The index Employees/ByFirstAndLastName
used in the above query is not storing any fields,
so the documents will be fetched from storage.
Example II - Projecting Stored Fields
If we create an index that stores FirstName
and LastName
and it requests only those fields in query,
then the data will come from the index directly.
var results = session
.Query<Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastNameWithStoredFields>()
.Select(x => new
FirstName = x.FirstName,
LastName = x.LastName
public class Employees_ByFirstAndLastNameWithStoredFields : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee>
public Employees_ByFirstAndLastNameWithStoredFields()
Map = employees => from employee in employees
select new
FirstName = employee.FirstName,
LastName = employee.LastName
StoreAllFields(FieldStorage.Yes); // FirstName and LastName fields can be retrieved directly from index
from index 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastNameWithStoredFields'
select FirstName, LastName
Example III - Projecting Arrays and Objects
var results = session
.Query<Order, Orders_ByShipToAndLines>()
.Select(x => new
ShipTo = x.ShipTo,
Products = x.Lines.Select(y => y.ProductName),
public class Orders_ByShipToAndLines : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Order>
public Orders_ByShipToAndLines()
Map = orders => from order in orders
select new
ShipTo = order.ShipTo,
Lines = order.Lines
from index 'Orders/ByShipToAndLines' as o
ShipTo: o.ShipTo,
Products : o.Lines.map(function(y){return y.ProductName;})
Example IV - Projection with Expression
var results = session
.Query<Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName>()
.Select(x => new
FullName = x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName
public class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee>
public Employees_ByFirstAndLastName()
Map = employees => from employee in employees
select new
FirstName = employee.FirstName,
LastName = employee.LastName
from index 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName' as e
FullName : e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName
Example V - Projection with let
var results = (from e in session.Query<Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName>()
let format = (Func<Employee, string>)(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName)
select new
FullName = format(e)
public class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee>
public Employees_ByFirstAndLastName()
Map = employees => from employee in employees
select new
FirstName = employee.FirstName,
LastName = employee.LastName
declare function output(e) {
var format = function(p){ return p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName; };
return { FullName : format(e) };
from index 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName' as e select output(e)
Example VI - Projection with Calculation
var results = session
.Query<Order, Orders_ByShipToAndLines>()
.Select(x => new
Total = x.Lines.Sum(l => l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity)
public class Orders_ByShipToAndLines : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Order>
public Orders_ByShipToAndLines()
Map = orders => from order in orders
select new
ShipTo = order.ShipTo,
Lines = order.Lines
from index 'Orders/ByShipToAndLines' as o
select {
Total : o.Lines.reduce(
(acc , l) => acc += l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity, 0)
Example VII - Projection With a Count() Predicate
var results = (from o in session.Query<Order>()
let c = RavenQuery.Load<Company>(o.Company)
select new
CompanyName = c.Name,
ShippedAt = o.ShippedAt,
TotalProducts = o.Lines.Count(), //both empty syntax and with a predicate is supported
TotalDiscountedProducts = o.Lines.Count(x => x.Discount > 0)
public class Orders_ByShippedAtAndCompany : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Order>
public Orders_ByShippedAtAndCompany()
Map = orders => from order in orders
select new
ShippedAt = order.ShippedAt,
Company = order.Company
from Orders as o
load o.Company as c
CompanyName : c.Name,
ShippedAt : o.ShippedAt,
TotalProducts : o.Lines.length,
TotalDiscountedProducts : o.Lines.filter(x => x.Discount > 0 ).length
Example VIII - Projection Using a Loaded Document
var results = (from o in session.Query<Order, Orders_ByShippedAtAndCompany>()
let c = RavenQuery.Load<Company>(o.Company)
select new
CompanyName = c.Name,
ShippedAt = o.ShippedAt
public class Orders_ByShippedAtAndCompany : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Order>
public Orders_ByShippedAtAndCompany()
Map = orders => from order in orders
select new
ShippedAt = order.ShippedAt,
Company = order.Company
from index 'Orders/ByShippedAtAndCompany' as o
load o.Company as c
select {
CompanyName: c.Name,
ShippedAt: o.ShippedAt
Example IX - Projection with Dates
var results = session
.Query<Employee, Employees_ByFirstNameAndBirthday>()
.Select(e => new
DayOfBirth = e.Birthday.Day,
MonthOfBirth = e.Birthday.Month,
Age = DateTime.Today.Year - e.Birthday.Year
public class Employees_ByFirstNameAndBirthday : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee>
public Employees_ByFirstNameAndBirthday()
Map = employees => from employee in employees
select new
FirstName = employee.FirstName,
Birthday = employee.Birthday
from index 'Employees/ByFirstNameAndBirthday' as e
select {
DayOfBirth : new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday)).getDate(),
MonthOfBirth : new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday)).getMonth() + 1,
Age : new Date().getFullYear() - new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday)).getFullYear()
Example X - Projection with Raw JavaScript Code
var results = session
.Query<Employee, Employees_ByFirstNameAndBirthday>()
.Select(e => new
Date = RavenQuery.Raw<DateTime>("new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday))"),
Name = RavenQuery.Raw(e.FirstName, "substr(0,3)")
public class Employees_ByFirstNameAndBirthday : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee>
public Employees_ByFirstNameAndBirthday()
Map = employees => from employee in employees
select new
FirstName = employee.FirstName,
Birthday = employee.Birthday
from index 'Employees/ByFirstNameAndBirthday' as e
select {
Date : new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday)),
Name : e.FirstName.substr(0,3)
Example XI - Projection with Metadata
var results = session
.Query<Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName>()
.Select(e => new
Name = e.FirstName,
Metadata = RavenQuery.Metadata(e),
public class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee>
public Employees_ByFirstAndLastName()
Map = employees => from employee in employees
select new
FirstName = employee.FirstName,
LastName = employee.LastName
from index 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName' as e
select {
Name : e.FirstName,
Metadata : getMetadata(e)
The SelectFields
method can only be used with the
Document Query.
It has two overloads:
// 1) By array of fields
IDocumentQuery<TProjection> SelectFields<TProjection>(params string[] fields);
// 2) By projection type
IDocumentQuery<TProjection> SelectFields<TProjection>();
1) The fields of the projection are specified as a string
array of field names.
It also takes the type of the projection as a generic parameter.
var fields = new string[]{
var results = session
.DocumentQuery<Company, Companies_ByContact>()
public class Companies_ByContact : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Company>
public Companies_ByContact()
Map = companies => companies
.Select(x => new
Name = x.Contact.Name,
StoreAllFields(FieldStorage.Yes); // Name and Phone fields can be retrieved directly from index
public class ContactDetails
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
from index 'Companies/ByContact'
select Name, Phone
2) The projection is defined by simply passing the projection type as the generic parameter.
var results = session
.DocumentQuery<Company, Companies_ByContact>()
public class Companies_ByContact : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Company>
public Companies_ByContact()
Map = companies => companies
.Select(x => new
Name = x.Contact.Name,
StoreAllFields(FieldStorage.Yes); // Name and Phone fields can be retrieved directly from index
public class ContactDetails
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
from index 'Companies/ByContact'
select Name, Phone
Projection Behavior
The SelectFields
methods can also take a ProjectionBehavior
parameter, which
determines whether the query should retrieve indexed data or directly retrieve
document data, and what to do when the data can't be retrieved. Learn more
IDocumentQuery<TProjection> SelectFields<TProjection>(ProjectionBehavior projectionBehavior,
params string[] fields);
IDocumentQuery<TProjection> SelectFields<TProjection>(ProjectionBehavior projectionBehavior);
This extension method retrieves all public fields and properties of the type given in generic and uses them to perform projection to the requested type.
You can use this method instead of using Select
together with all fields of the projection class.
var results = session.Query<Company, Companies_ByContact>()
from index 'Companies/ByContact'
select Name, Phone
public class Companies_ByContact : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Company>
public Companies_ByContact()
Map = companies => companies
.Select(x => new
Name = x.Contact.Name,
StoreAllFields(FieldStorage.Yes); // Name and Phone fields can be retrieved directly from index
public class ContactDetails
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
OfType (As)
or As
is a client-side projection. You can read more about it
Projections and the Session
Because you are working with projections and not directly with documents, they are not tracked by the session. Modifications to a projection will not modify the document when SaveChanges is called.