Spatial Queries Map View

Spatial data in documents

  • Documents that contain geographic data can be queried for using a spatial query.
    The spatial data in a document can be in the form of:

    • Latitude & Longitude
    • WKT string
  • For example, the following Employee document contains fields:
    Address.Location.Latitude & Address.Location.Longitude and can be searched for by this spatial data.

  • Note:
    Using "Latitude" and "Longitude" as the document fields' names is Not mandatory.
    Any custom name can be assigned to those coordinate fields.

Figure 1. Spatial Data

Figure 1. A document containing spatial data

Running a dynamic spatial query

Figure 2. The Query Section

Figure 2. The query section

  • 1. Indexes
    Open the Indexes section.
  • 2. Query
    Choose Query.

Figure 3. Running a Query

Figure 3. Running the query

  • 1. Query box
    Type your query in this area. The query is written in RQL.

// Specify the collection queried
from Employees

// Make a spatial query
where spatial.within(

    // Use 'spatial.point' to specify the document field names containing the spatial data.
    // The latitude field is always passed as the first param.
    // (Note: 'spatial.wkt' is used when the document contains a WKT string.)
    spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude),

    // Specify a geographical area.
    // This query will search for documents whose latitude & longitude are within this circle.,47.623473, -122.3060097, 'miles')
  • 2. Run query
    Click this button to execute the query.
    The query results will include two tabs:
    • Results tab - listing all resulting documents in textual form
    • Spatial map tab - showing results on the global map

Figure 4. Textual Results View

Figure 4. Textual results view

Spatial map view

Figure 5. Spatial Map View

Figure 5. Spatial map view

  • 1. Spatial map
    If there are any resulting documents that match the spatial query, a Spatial Map tab is added to the results view.
    Click the tab to view the resulting documents in their geographical locations on the map.

  • 2. Expand results
    Click to expand the spatial map.

Figure 6. Zoom and Drag

Figure 6. Zoom and drag

  • 1. Zoom control
    Click +/- or roll your mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
  • 2. Map
    Click anywhere in the map area and drag to move the map.

Figure 7. Region and Points

Figure 7. Region and points

Figure 8. Same Points, Zoomed In

Figure 8. Same points, zoomed in

  • 1. Region
    The region (a circle in this case) that was defined in the query.

  • 2. Location markers

    • Red markers
      A red marker locates a single document result.
      Hovering over the marker pops up the document's name.
      Figure 9. Hovering over a Red Point
      Clicking the marker pops up the document's contents.
      Figure 10. Clicking a Red Point

    • Green markers
      A green marker gathers two or more neighboring red markers (documents).
      Zooming in will reveal the individual locations.
      The number on the green marker represents the number of documents gathered by this marker.

      • If a green marker gathers at least three document locations,
        hovering over it would display a crude scheme of these locations on the map.
        Figure 11. Hovering over a Green Point
      • Clicking a green marker zooms in to reveal the locations it gathers.

Figure 12. Viewing-Options Tooltip

Figure 12. Viewing-options tooltip

  • 1. Viewing-options toggler
    Hovering over the toggler will open the viewing options.
  • 2. Viewing Options
    The map view options.
  • 3. Map view
    Select Streets or Topography map.
  • 4. Point fields
    When checked, the documents that contain these fields will be visible as marker points on the map.
  • 5. Regions
    Show or hide circular/polygonal search regions.


Circular region example

The following query locates companies within two separate circular regions.

from Companies 
    spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude),, 45.5137863, -122.675375, 'miles')
    spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude),, 37.7774357, -122.418, 'miles')
Figure 13. Multiple Regions

Figure 13. Multiple Regions

  • Circular region syntax
    A circular region can be defined using two different syntaxes, and spatial.wkt.

    from Employees
    where spatial.within(
        spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude),, 47.623473, -122.3060097, 'miles')
    from Employees
    where spatial.within(
        spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude),
        spatial.wkt('CIRCLE(-122.3060097 47.623473 d=20)')
    The search coordinates are provided in a different order for the two syntaxes.
    For, provide the Latitude first and the Longitude second.
    For spatial.wkt, provide the Longitude first and the Latitude second.
  • Region color
    When multiple regions are defined, they are given different colors in the spatial map view.

Polygonal region example

The following query searches for companies within the boundaries of a polygonal region.

  • The polygon's coordinates must be provided in counterclockwise order.
  • The first and last coordinates must mark the same location to form a closed region.
  • You can use tools like this one to draw a polygon on the world map and copy the coordinates to your query.

from companies 
    spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude), 
    spatial.wkt('POLYGON ((
        -118.6527948 32.7114894, 
        -95.8040242 37.5929338, 
        -102.8344151 53.3349629, 
        -127.5286633 48.3485664, 
        -129.4620208 38.0786067, 
        -118.7406746 32.7853769, 
        -118.6527948 32.7114894))')
Figure 14. Polygon

Figure 14. Polygon

Mixed shapes intersection example

This query searches for companies at the intersection of a circular region and a polygonal region.
Though additional companies are located in each region, only companies located in both regions are retrieved.

from Companies 
    spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude),
    spatial.wkt('CIRCLE(-119.5 45.5137863 d=400)')
    spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude), 
    spatial.wkt('POLYGON ((
        -119.7105226 47.1000662,
        -117.0712682 40.3896178,
        -110.7439164 34.3929116,
        -97.9134529 38.0071749,
        -98.1770925 45.2197803,
        -119.7105226 47.1000662))')
Figure 15. Multiple Shapes Intersection

Figure 15. Multiple shapes intersection