Administration: Statistics
Server statistics
Server statistics are available in the Studio
via the Server Dashboard, and can
also be retrieved by dedicated endpoints.
To get server metrics use the {serverUrl}/admin/metrics
A document containing the following metrics is retrieved:
- RequestsPerSec
- ConcurrentRequestsCount
- BytesPutsPerSec
- PutsPerSec
- BytesPutsPerSec
- PutsPerSec
- IndexedPerSec
- MappedPerSec
- ReducedPerSec
where each meter has the following format:
Current: 3,
Count: 217937,
MeanRate: 0.2,
OneMinuteRate: 1.2,
FiveMinuteRate: 0.2,
FifteenMinuteRate: 0.1
Memory Stats
In order to get server memory statistics, use the {serverUrl}/admin/debug/memory/stats
A document containing the following memory statistics is retrieved:
WorkingSet: 600551424,
TotalUnmanagedAllocations: 30422368,
ManagedAllocations: 217681656,
TotalMemoryMapped: 842530816,
PhysicalMem: "4 GBytes",
FreeMem: "2.38 GBytes",
HighMemLastOneMinute: "2.38 GBytes",
LowMemLastOneMinute: "2.38 GBytes",
HighMemLastFiveMinute: "2.38 GBytes",
LowMemLastFiveMinute: "2.35 GBytes",
HighMemSinceStartup: "2.87 GBytes",
LowMemSinceStartup: "1.06 GBytes",
Humane: {
WorkingSet: "572.73 MBytes",
TotalUnmanagedAllocations: "29.01 MBytes",
ManagedAllocations: "207.6 MBytes",
TotalMemoryMapped: "803.5 MBytes"
Threads: [
Name: null,
Allocations: 62016514,
HumaneAllocations: "59.14 MBytes",
Ids: [
Id: 11682,
Allocations: 29146296,
HumaneAllocations: "27.8 MBytes",
Id: 11897,
Allocations: 18383430,
HumaneAllocations: "17.53 MBytes",
Id: 11801,
Allocations: 8290370,
HumaneAllocations: "7.91 MBytes",
Id: 11748,
Allocations: 2183082,
HumaneAllocations: "2.08 MBytes",
Name: "RavenDB Tasks Executer",
Allocations: 1134462,
HumaneAllocations: "1.08 MBytes",
Id: 19,
Name: "Indexing of Orders/ByCompany of test",
Allocations: 0,
HumaneAllocations: "0 Bytes",
Id: 11896,
Mappings : [
Directory: "\Databases\Demo",
TotalDirectorySize: 134217728,
HumaneTotalDirectorySize: "128 MBytes",
Details: {
Raven.voron: {
FileSize: 134217728,
HumaneFileSize: "128 MBytes",
TotalMapped: 134217728,
HumaneTotalMapped: "128 MBytes",
Mappings: [
Size: 134217728,
Count: 1,
Directory: "\Databases\Demo\Indexes\Product_Search",
TotalDirectorySize: 33554432,
HumaneTotalDirectorySize: "32 MBytes",
Details: {
Raven.voron: {
FileSize: 33554432,
HumaneFileSize: "32 MBytes",
TotalMapped: 33554432,
HumaneTotalMapped: "32 MBytes",
Mappings: [
Size: 33554432,
Count: 1,
Directory: "\Databases\Demo\Configuration",
TotalDirectorySize: 8388608,
HumaneTotalDirectorySize: "8 MBytes",
Details: {
Raven.voron: {
FileSize: 8388608,
HumaneFileSize: "8 MBytes",
TotalMapped: 8388608,
HumaneTotalMapped: "8 MBytes",
Mappings: [
Size: 8388608,
Count: 1,
Directory: "\Databases\Demo\Indexes\Product_Search\Temp",
TotalDirectorySize: 131072,
HumaneTotalDirectorySize: "128 KBytes",
Details: {
compression.0000000000.buffers: {
FileSize: 65536,
HumaneFileSize: "64 KBytes",
TotalMapped: 65536,
HumaneTotalMapped: "64 KBytes",
Mappings: [
Size: 65536,
Count: 1,
scratch.0000000000.buffers: {
FileSize: 65536,
HumaneFileSize: "64 KBytes",
TotalMapped: 65536,
HumaneTotalMapped: "64 KBytes",
Mappings: [
Size: 65536,
Count: 1,
CPU Stats
To get server CPU stats use the {serverUrl}/admin/debug/cpu/stats
A document containing the following information is retrieved:
CpuStats: [
ProcessName: "Raven.Server",
ProcessorAffinity: 3,
PrivilegedProcessorTime: "00:10:49.9843750",
TotalProcessorTime: "00:57:11.9531250",
UserProcessorTime: "00:46:21.9687500",
ThreadPoolStats: [
AvailableThreadPoolWorkerThreads: 32765,
AvailableThreadPoolCompletionPortThreads: 1000,
MinThreadPoolWorkerThreads: 2,
MinThreadPoolCompletionPortThreads: 2,
MaxThreadPoolWorkerThreads: 32767,
MaxThreadPoolCompletionPortThreads: 1000,
Database statistics
Database statistics are available in the Studio
, and can also be retrieved by dedicated endpoints
or via the Client API (details here).
Database Statistics via the Studio
In the Studio, go to Databases
, select a database and then go to Stats
The following information is presented:
General Stats
- Database ID
- Database Change Vector
- Documents Count
- Indexes Count
- Conflicts Count
- Tombstones Count
- Attachments Count
- Last Document Etag
- Architecture
- Size On Disk
Indexes Stats
- Entries Count
- Map Attempts
- Map Successes
- Entries Count
- Map Attempts
- Map Successes
- Mapped Per Second Rate
- Entries Count
- Map Attempts
- Map Successes**
- Mapped Per Second Rate
- Reduce Attempts
- Reduce Successes
- Reduced Per Second Rate
Database Statistics via Dedicated Endpoint
Database statistics can also be retrieved in a JSON format by using the
A document containing the following database statistics is retrieved:
CountOfIndexes: 4,
CountOfDocuments: 1080,
CountOfRevisionDocuments: 4645,
CountOfTombstones: 0,
CountOfDocumentsConflicts: 0,
CountOfConflicts: 0,
CountOfAttachments: 17,
CountOfUniqueAttachments: 17,
DatabaseChangeVector: "A:5746-7aoBOQY250SGxlpFC/GcxQ",
DatabaseId: "7aoBOQY250SGxlpFC/GcxQ",
NumberOfTransactionMergerQueueOperations: 0,
Is64Bit: true,
Pager: "Voron.Platform.Win32.WindowsMemoryMapPager",
LastDocEtag: 5746,
LastIndexingTime: "2018-04-16T09:38:28.8303222Z",
SizeOnDisk: {
HumaneSize: "259 MBytes",
SizeInBytes: 271581184,
Indexes: [
IsStale: false,
Name: "Auto/Companies/ByAddress.CountryAndSearch(Name)",
LockMode: "Unlock",
Priority: "Normal",
State: "Normal",
Type: "AutoMap",
LastIndexingTime: "2018-04-16T09:38:28.8303222Z",
IsStale: false,
Name: "Auto/Employees/ByFirstNameAndLastName",
LockMode: "Unlock",
Priority: "Normal",
State: "Idle",
Type: "AutoMap",
LastIndexingTime: "2018-04-16T09:38:28.7994098Z",
IsStale: false,
Name: "Orders/ByCompany",
LockMode: "Unlock",
Priority: "Normal",
State: "Normal",
Type: "MapReduce",
LastIndexingTime: "2018-04-16T09:38:28.7270848Z",
IsStale: false,
Name: "Product/Search",
LockMode: "Unlock",
Priority: "Normal",
State: "Normal",
Type: "Map",
LastIndexingTime: "2018-04-16T09:38:28.7761331Z",
Database Metrics
To get the database metrics use the {serverUrl}/databases/{databaseName}/metrics
Similarly to the server metrics endpoint, a document containing the following database metrics is retrieved:
- RequestsPerSec
- ConcurrentRequestsCount
- BytesPutsPerSec
- PutsPerSec
- BytesPutsPerSec
- PutsPerSec
- IndexedPerSec
- MappedPerSec
- ReducedPerSec
where each meter has the following format:
Current: 3,
Count: 217937,
MeanRate: 0.2,
OneMinuteRate: 1.2,
FiveMinuteRate: 0.2,
FifteenMinuteRate: 0.1