Studio: Query View

  • Use the Query View to run RQL queries and view their results.
  • Queries can be executed either on a Collection or on an existing Static-Index.
  • RavenDB always uses an index to fetch the query results.
    When a query is executed over a Collection (without any filtering condition),
    RavenDB uses an internal index that is kept in its internal storage.
  • A query on a collection with some filtering condition will create an Auto-Index (Dynamic Query).
    See Index Types for details.
  • Query results can be saved/exported to a CSV file.

  • In this page:

Query View

Query View

Query View

  1. Query View
    Click to open the query view.
  2. Database
    Click to select the database you want to query.
  3. Syntax Samples
    Click to display RQL syntax samples.
  4. Query Box
    Enter your RQL query in the query box.
  5. Save Query
    Click to save the currently displayed query in the local browser storage.
    Save Query
    Enter a name, and click the Save button again to save the query.
  6. Load Query
    Click to load a stored query.
    Recent (unsaved) queries will also be listed here.
    Load Query
    Hover over a query name to display its preview.
    Click the query name or the preview Load button to load the query.
  7. Query Settings
    Click to set query settings.
    Query Settings
    • a. Cache enabled
      Toggle to enable or disable caching of query results.
    • b. Disable creating new Auto-Indexes
      Toggle to disable Auto-Index creation for this query. If no index exists to satisfy this query, an exception will be thrown.
      • Toggling this ON will not affect Auto-Index creation in future Studio queries. To disable all future Auto-Index creation from Studio queries, change the default setting in Studio Configuration
    • c. Show stored index fields only
      Toggle to show the query results or only the stored index fields.
      (Relevant only when querying an index)
    • d. Show raw index entries instead of index results
      Toggle to display raw index entries or matching documents in the query results.
      (Relevant only when querying an index)
  8. Run Query
    Click to run the query.
  9. Query Results
    The results area displays selected columns of results retrieved by your query (see below).

Query Results

Query Results

Query Results

  1. Index or Collection Used
    The index or the collection that was used by the query.
  2. Results Retrieval Time
    The time it took to retrieve the results.

    Add include timings() to your RQL to display additional timing details in the results.
    Learn more in Include Query Timings.

  3. Delete Documents
    Click to delete all documents that match the query.
  4. Statistics
    Click to view query statistics, including -
    • Number of results
    • Results status
    • Query duration
    • The index used by this query.
      Either the index that was explicitly used by the query, or the internal RavenDB index that is used for collection queries.
    • An ETag representing the current state of the index used by the query.
      (The ETag value changes with every change made to the documents)
  5. Export Results as CSV File
    • Click to store all query results columns in a CSV file.
      Export to CSV File
    • Click the drop-down and select "Export visible columns only" to store only the columns that are currently displayed.
      Export Visible Columns Only
  6. Display
    Click to open the Display drop-down dialog, where you can select which columns to display and add custom columns. (See Select Visible Columns below).
  7. Toggle Expanded/Collapsed View
    Click to expand or collapse the results view.

Select Visible Columns

To modify the displayed result columns, open the Display drop-down dialog from the Query Results view.
Custom result columns can be added, edited and removed.

Display Dialog

Display Dialog

  1. A query results column
  2. A custom results column

Display Dialog - Actions

Display Dialog - Actions

Changes made in the Display dialog will take effect only when the Apply button is clicked.

  1. Display/Hide all columns
    Check or uncheck to display or hide all columns.
  2. Display/Hide column
    Check or uncheck to display or hide this column.
  3. Relocate Column
    Click and drag to relocate the column.
  4. Edit Custom Column
    Click to edit the custom column's field and alias (see Add Custom Column below).
  5. Remove Custom Column
    Click to remove the custom column.
  6. Add Custom Column
    Add Custom Column
    • a. Identify a results field that will be displayed in the custom column.
      E.g. this.Address.Country
    • b. Give the custom column an alias that will be displayed as the column's title.
      E.g. Country
    • c. Click to add the new column and close the custom column dialog.
    • d. Click to close the custom column dialog without adding the new column.
  7. Reset to default
    Reset result columns to their original state (determined by the query).
  8. Close
    Close the Display dialog without applying your changes.
  9. Apply
    Apply your changes and close the Display dialog.

Result Columns

Result Columns

Result Columns

  1. Preview
    Click for a preview of the retrieved item.
  2. Document ID
    Click the ID to open this document in the Document View,
    Hover over the ID to display it in text format and optionally copy it to the clipboard.
    Hover ID
  3. Multiple Records Result
    Hover over the brackets to display the retrieved records and optionally copy them to the clipboard.
    Multiple Records Result
  4. Text Result
    Hover over the text to display and optionally copy it to the clipboard.
    Text String Result

Additional Query Options

Some RavenDB features enhance the queries options.