Get Statistics

Get collection statistics

To get collection statistics, use GetCollectionStatisticsOperation:

// Pass an instance of class `GetCollectionStatisticsOperation` to the store
/** @var  CollectionStatistics $stats */
$stats = $store->maintenance()->send((new GetCollectionStatisticsOperation());

Statistics are returned in the CollectionStatistics object.

// Collection stats results:
class CollectionStatistics
    // Total # of documents in all collections
    private ?int $countOfDocuments = null;
    // Total # of conflicts
    private ?int $countOfConflicts = null;
    // Total # of documents per collection
    private array $collections = [];

    // ... getters and setters

Get detailed collection statistics

To get detailed collection statistics, use GetDetailedCollectionStatisticsOperation:

// Pass an instance of class `GetDetailedCollectionStatisticsOperation` to the store
/** @var DetailedCollectionStatistics $stats */
$stats = $store->maintenance()->send(new GetDetailedCollectionStatisticsOperation());

Statistics are returned in the DetailedCollectionStatistics object.

// Detailed collection stats results:
public class DetailedCollectionStatistics
    // Total # of documents in all collections
    public long CountOfDocuments { get; set; }
    // Total # of conflicts
    public long CountOfConflicts { get; set; }
    // Collection details per collection
    public Dictionary<string, CollectionDetails> Collections { get; set; }

// Details per collection
class CollectionDetails
    private ?string $name = null;
    private ?int $countOfDocuments = null;
    private ?Size $size = null;
    private ?Size $documentsSize = null;
    private ?Size $tombstonesSize = null;
    private ?Size $revisionsSize = null;

    // ... getters and setters

Get database statistics

To get database statistics, use GetStatisticsOperation:

// Pass an instance of class `GetStatisticsOperation` to the store
/** @var DatabaseStatistics $stats */
$stats = $store->maintenance()->send(new GetStatisticsOperation());

Statistics are returned in the DatabaseStatistics object.

// Database stats results:
class DatabaseStatistics implements ResultInterface
    private ?int $lastDocEtag = null;               // Last document etag in database
    private ?int $lastDatabaseEtag = null;          // Last database etag

    private ?int $countOfIndexes = null;            // Total # of indexes in database
    private ?int $countOfDocuments = null;          // Total # of documents in database
    private ?int $countOfRevisionDocuments = null;  // Total # of revision documents in database
    private ?int $countOfDocumentsConflicts = null; // Total # of documents conflicts in database
    private ?int $countOfTombstones = null;         // Total # of tombstones in database
    private ?int $countOfConflicts = null;          // Total # of conflicts in database
    private ?int $countOfAttachments = null;        // Total # of attachments in database
    private ?int $countOfUniqueAttachments = null;  // Total # of unique attachments in database
    private ?int $countOfCounterEntries = null;     // Total # of counter-group entries in database
    private ?int $countOfTimeSeriesSegments = null; // Total # of time-series segments in database

    // List of stale index names in database
    public function getStaleIndexes(): IndexInformationArray
        return IndexInformationArray::fromArray(
                function (IndexInformation $index) {
                    return $index->isStale();

    // Statistics for each index in database
    private ?IndexInformationArray $indexes = null;

    private ?string $databaseChangeVector = null;           // Global change vector of the database
    private ?string $databaseId = null;                     // Database identifier
    private bool $is64Bit = false;                          // Indicates if process is 64-bit
    private ?string $pager = null;                          // Component handling the memory-mapped files
    private ?DateTimeInterface $lastIndexingTime = null;    // Last time of indexing an item
    private ?Size $sizeOnDisk = null;                       // Database size on disk
    private ?Size $tempBuffersSizeOnDisk = null;            // Temp buffers size on disk
    private ?int $numberOfTransactionMergerQueueOperations = null;

    // ... getters and setters

Get detailed database statistics

To get detailed database statistics, use GetDetailedStatisticsOperation:

// Pass an instance of class `GetDetailedStatisticsOperation` to the store
/** @var DetailedDatabaseStatistics $stats */
$stats = $store->maintenance()->send(new GetDetailedStatisticsOperation());

Statistics are returned in the DetailedDatabaseStatistics object.

// Detailed database stats results:
class DetailedDatabaseStatistics extends DatabaseStatistics implements ResultInterface
    // Total # of identities in database
    private ?int $countOfIdentities = null;
    // Total # of compare-exchange items in database
    private ?int $countOfCompareExchange = null;
    // Total # of cmpXchg tombstones in database
    private ?int $countOfCompareExchangeTombstones = null;
    // Total # of TS deleted ranges values in database
    private ?int $countOfTimeSeriesDeletedRanges = null;

    // ... getters and setters

Get statistics for another database

  • By default, you get statistics for the database defined in your Document Store.
  • Use forDatabase to get database and collection statistics for another database.
  • forDatabase can be used with any of the above statistics options.

// Get stats for 'AnotherDatabase':
/** @var DatabaseStatistics $stats */
$stats = $store->maintenance()->forDatabase("AnotherDatabase")->send(new GetStatisticsOperation());
  • Learn more about switching operations to another database here.