Filter by Non-Existing Field

Query the collection (dynamic query)

To run a dynamic query over a collection and find which documents are missing a specified field,
use the not and whereExists extension methods, accessible from the documentQuery API, as shown below.

This will either create a new auto-index or add the queried field to an existing auto-index.
Learn more about the dynamic query flow here.


/** @var array<Order> $ordersWithoutFreightField */
$ordersWithoutFreightField = $session
         // Define a DocumentQuery on 'Orders' collection
         // Search for documents that do Not contain field 'Freight'
         // Execute the query

// Results will be only the documents that do Not contain the 'Freight' field in 'Orders' collection
from "Orders"
where true and not exists("Freight")
// `not` cannot be used immediately after `where`, thus we use `where true`.

Query a static index

Documents with missing fields can be searched by querying a static index.

The index definition must contain the following document fields indexed:

  • A document field that exists in all documents of the queried collection, e.g. the Id field.
    Indexing this field will ensure that all the documents of this collection are indexed.
  • A document field that is suspected to be missing from some documents of the queried collection.


// Define a static index on the 'Orders' collection
// ================================================

class IndexEntry
    // Define the index-fields
    public ?float $freight = null;
    public ?string $id = null;

    public function getFreight(): float
        return $this->freight;

    public function setFreight(float $freight): void
        $this->freight = $freight;

    public function getId(): ?string
        return $this->id;

    public function setId(?string $id): void
        $this->id = $id;

class Orders_ByFright extends AbstractIndexCreationTask
    public function __construct()
        // Define the index Map function
        $this->map = "orders => from doc in orders select new {\n" .
            "    freight =, \n" .
            "    id =\n" .


// Query the index
// ===============

/** @var array<Order> $ordersWithoutFreightField */
$ordersWithoutFreightField = $session
    // Define a DocumentQuery on the index
    ->documentQuery(IndexEntry::class, Orders_ByFright::class)
    // Verify the index is not stale (optional)
    // Search for documents that do Not contain field 'Freight'
     // Execute the query

// Results will be only the documents that do Not contain the 'Freight' field in 'Orders' collection
from index "Orders/ByFreight"
where true and not exists("Freight")
// `not` cannot come immediately after `where`, thus we use `where true`.

Use Studio to Run an RQL Query

  • Documents can be searched by missing fields using Studio's Query view.

  • Use an RQL expression such as:

    from "Orders"    
    where exists("Company") and not exists("Freight")
  • In the where clause:
    First search for a field that exists in all documents of the queried collection, e.g. the Id field.
    Then search for a field that may be missing from some documents of the queried collection.

    List Documents Without a Specified Field

    Query for documents that are missing the specified field

    1. Indexes
      Click to see the Indexes menu.
    2. Query
      Select to open the Query view.
    3. Query editor
      Write the RQL query.
    4. Run Query
      Click to run the query.
    5. Index used
      The name of the auto-index created to serve this query.
      You can click it to see the available Studio options for this index.
    6. Results
      This is the list of documents that do not contain the specified 'Freight' field.
      (the "Freight" Field was removed from these Northwind documents for this example.)