Query Overview

  • PHP Queries can be written -

    • Using the session query method
    • Using the session documentQuery method
    • Using RQL:
      • via the session rawQuery method
      • via Studio's Query view
  • Queries defined using query or documentQuery are translated by the RavenDB client to RQL when sent to the server.

  • All RavenDB queries use an index to provide results, even when an index is not explicitly defined.
    Learn more below.

  • Queries that do Not specify which index to use are called Dynamic Queries.
    This article shows examples of dynamic queries only.
    For index query examples see querying an index.

  • The entities returned by the query are 'loaded' and tracked by the session.
    Entities will Not be tracked when:

  • Query results are cached by default.
    To disable query caching see NoCaching.

  • Queries are timed out after a configurable time period.
    See query timeout.

Queries always provide results using an index

  • Queries always use an index to provide fast results regardless of the size of your data.

  • When a query reaches a RavenDB instance, the instance calls its query optimizer to analyze the query
    and determine which index should be used to retrieve the requested data.

  • Indexes allow to provide query results without scanning the entire dataset each and every time.
    Learn more about indexes in indexes overview.

We differentiate between the following 3 query scenarios:

  • Index query
  • Dynamic query
  • Full collection query

For each scenario, a different index type will be used.

1. Query an existing index:

  • Query type: Index query
    Index used: Static-index

  • You can specify which STATIC-index the query will use.

  • Static indexes are defined by the user, as opposed to auto-indexes that are created by the server
    when querying a collection with some filtering applied. See Static-index vs Auto-index.

  • Example RQL:   from index "Employees/ByFirstName" where FirstName == "Laura"
    See more examples in querying an index.

2. Query a collection - with filtering:

  • Query type: Dynamic Query
    Index used: Auto-index

  • When querying a collection without specifying an index and with some filtering condition
    (other than just the document ID) the query-optimizer will analyze the query to see if an AUTO-index
    that can answer the query already exists, i.e. an auto-index on the collection queried with index-fields that match those queried.

  • If such auto-index (Not a static one...) is found, it will be used to fetch the results.

  • Else, if no relevant auto-index is found,
    the query-optimizer will create a new auto-index with fields that match the query criteria.
    At this time, and only at this time, the query will wait for the auto-indexing process to complete.
    Subsequent queries that target this auto-index will be served immediately.

  • Note: if there exists an auto-index that is defined on the collection queried
    but is indexing a different field than the one queried on,
    then the query-optimizer will create a new auto-index that merges both the
    fields from the existing auto-index and the new fields queried.

  • Once the newly created auto-index is done indexing the data,
    the old auto-index is removed in favor of the new one.

  • Over time, an optimal set of indexes is generated by the query optimizer to answer your queries.

  • RQL Example:   from Employees where FirstName == "Laura"
    See more examples below.

  • Note: Counters and Time series are an exception to this flow.
    Dynamic queries on counters and time series values don't create auto-indexes.
    However, a static-index can be defined on Time series and Counters.

3. Query a collection - query full collection | query by ID:

  • Query type: Full collection Query
    Index used: The raw collection (internal storage indexes)

  • Full collection query:

    • When querying a collection without specifying an index and with no filtering condition,
      then all documents from the specified collection are returned.

    • RavenDB uses the raw collection documents in its internal storage indexes as the source for this query.
      No auto-index is created.

    • Example RQL:   from Employees

  • Query by document ID:

    • When querying a collection only by document ID or IDs,
      then similar to the full collection query, no auto-index is created.

    • RavenDB uses the raw collection documents as the source for this query.

    • Example RQL:   from Employees where id() == "employees/1-A"
      See more examples below.


  • The simplest way to issue a query is by using the session's query method which supports LINQ.
    Both the LINQ method syntax and the LINQ query syntax are supported.

  • The following examples show dynamic queries that do not specify which index to use.
    Please refer to querying an index for other examples.

  • Querying can be enhanced using these extension methods.

Query collection - no filtering

// This is a Full Collection Query
// No auto-index is created since no filtering is applied

$allEmployees = $session
    ->query(Employee::class)  // Query for all documents from 'Employees' collection
    ->toList();                         // Execute the query

// All 'Employee' entities are loaded and will be tracked by the session
// This RQL is a Full Collection Query
// No auto-index is created since no filtering is applied

from "Employees"

Query collection - by ID

// Query collection by document ID
// No auto-index is created when querying only by ID

$employee = $session
    ->whereEquals("Id", "employees/1-A") // Query for specific document from 'Employees' collection
    ->firstOrDefault();                                 // Execute the query

// The resulting 'Employee' entity is loaded and will be tracked by the session
// This RQL queries the 'Employees' collection by ID
// No auto-index is created when querying only by ID

from "Employees" where id() == "employees/1-A"

Query collection - with filtering

// Query collection - filter by document field

// An auto-index will be created if there isn't already an existing auto-index
// that indexes this document field

$employees = $session
    ->whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert") // Query for all 'Employee' documents that match this predicate
    ->ToList();                                         // Execute the query

// The resulting 'Employee' entities are loaded and will be tracked by the session
// Query collection - filter by document field

// An auto-index will be created if there isn't already an existing auto-index
// that indexes the requested field

from "Employees" where FirstName == "Robert"

Query collection - with paging

// Query collection - page results
// No auto-index is created since no filtering is applied

$products = $session
    ->skip(5)   // Skip first 5 results
    ->take(10)  // Load up to 10 entities from 'Products' collection
    ->toList(); // Execute the query

// The resulting 'Product' entities are loaded and will be tracked by the session
// Query collection - page results
// No auto-index is created since no filtering is applied

from "Products" limit 5, 10 // skip 5, take 10
  • By default, if the page size is not specified, all matching records will be retrieved from the database.


  • documentQuery provides a full spectrum of low-level querying capabilities,
    giving you more flexibility and control when making complex queries.

  • Below is a simple DocumentQuery usage.
    For a full description and more examples see:


// Query with DocumentQuery - filter by document field

// An auto-index will be created if there isn't already an existing auto-index
// that indexes this document field

$employees = $session
    ->advanced()->documentQuery(Employee::class) // Use DocumentQuery
    ->whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert")    // Query for all 'Employee' documents that match this predicate
    ->toList();                                            // Execute the query

// The resulting 'Employee' entities are loaded and will be tracked by the session
// Query collection - filter by document field

// An auto-index will be created if there isn't already an existing auto-index
// that indexes the requested field

from "Employees" where FirstName = "Robert"


  • Queries defined with query or documentQuery are translated by the RavenDB client to RQL
    when sent to the server.

  • The session also gives you a way to express the query directly in RQL using the rawQuery method.


// Query with RawQuery - filter by document field

// An auto-index will be created if there isn't already an existing auto-index
// that indexes this document field

$employees = $session
    // Provide RQL to RawQuery
    ->advanced()->rawQuery(Employee::class, "from 'Employees' where FirstName = 'Robert'")
    // Execute the query

// The resulting 'Employee' entities are loaded and will be tracked by the session


// Methods for querying a collection OR an index:
// ================================================

public function query(?string $className, $collectionOrIndexName = null): DocumentQueryInterface;

public function documentQuery(?string $className, $indexNameOrClass = null, ?string $collectionName = null, bool $isMapReduce = false): DocumentQueryInterface;

// RawQuery:
// =========
public function rawQuery(?string $className, string $query): RawDocumentQueryInterface;
Parameter Type Description
$className string The name of the class to query
$collectionOrIndexName ?string The name of the collection or index to query
$indexNameOrClass ?string The name or class of the index to query
$collectionName ?string The name of the collection to query
$isMapReduce bool Whether querying a map-reduce index
$query string The RQL query string
Return Value
Interfaces exposing additional query methods and extensions