Session: Saving changes

Pending session operations like store, delete, and many others, will not be sent to the server until saveChanges is called.

When saveChanges() is applied to send a batch of operations (e.g. put, update, and delete) in a request, the server will wrap these operations in a transaction upon execution in the database.

Either all operations are performed as a single, atomic transaction, or none of them are.
Once saveChanges() returns successfully, it is guaranteed that all changes are persisted in the database.


public function saveChanges(): void;


$employee = new Employee();


Waiting for Indexes

You can request the server to wait until the indexes are caught up with changes made within the current session before saveChanges returns.

  • You can set a timeout (default: 15 seconds).
  • You can specify whether you want to throw on timeout (default: false).
  • You can specify indexes that you want to wait for. If you don't specify anything here, RavenDB will automatically select just the indexes that are impacted by this write.

$session->advanced()->waitForIndexesAfterSaveChanges(function ($builder) use ($session) {
        ->waitForIndexes("index/1", "index/2");

    $employee = new Employee();



Transaction Mode - Cluster Wide

Setting TransactionMode to TransactionMode.clusterWide will enable the Cluster Transactions feature.

With this feature enabled the session will support the following write commands:

  • store
  • delete
  • createCompareExchangeValue
  • updateCompareExchangeValue
  • deleteCompareExchangeValue

Here is an example of creating a unique user with cluster wide.

$session = $store->openSession();
try {
    $sessionOptions = new SessionOptions();
    // default is: TransactionMode::singleNode();
    $session = $store->openSession($sessionOptions);
    try {
        $user = new Employee();


        // this transaction is now conditional on this being
        // successfully created (so, no other users with this name)
        // it also creates an association to the new user's id
            ->createCompareExchangeValue("usernames/John", $user->getId());

    } finally {
} finally {