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NoSQL Database Documentation

We hereby welcome you into the RavenDB Documentation.
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What's new

6.0.109 (60064) - 2025/01/21


  • [Backups] fixed issue with re-sending save backup status command in case of a failure
  • [Cluster] fixed issue with compare exchange tombstones not being cleaned if there is no cluster wide transaction
  • [Cluster] introduced a limit of executed cluster transactions by their size to avoid excessive memory usage
  • [Configuration] switched 'Cluster.WorkerSamplePeriodInMs' from 250 to 500 ms
  • [Configuration] switched 'Cluster.SupervisorSamplePeriodInMs' from 500 to 1000 ms
  • [Corax] fixed issue with TotalResults not being calculated properly when OrderBy clause is used
  • [Counters] fixed issue with possible counter corruption
  • [Indexes] fixed issue with search with leading wildcard returning different results when StandardAnalyzer is used
  • [Indexes] fixed issue with map-reduce indexes taking longer to process due to invalid handling of references
  • [JSON] fixed a corner case when we would recognize date properly when .FFFFFFFK or .FFFK format is used
  • [Querying] added support to export time series query to CSV for sharded database
  • [Querying] properly export time series query to CSV
  • [Revisions] fixed issue with including duplicates when 'include' is being used on documents
  • [RQL] fixed issue with using 'select with load' in RQL for sharded databases
  • [Security] added audit log for client certificate management operations
  • [Subscriptions] better memory handling when compressed documents are used
  • [.NET] updated to 8.0.12


  • [Http] fixed issue with usage of Multi-Get and possible NRE when HttpCache is used
  • [Session] added Delete and Stream to the incremental time series session
  • [Session] fixed caching behavior when NoCaching is used as a session parameter


  • [Configuration] fixed issue with Database settings not displaying content when aliased configuration key is being used
  • [Community] exposed community link in the footer
  • [Indexes] fixed issue with auto-index not refreshing after change
  • [Licensing] exposed more information about developer license
  • [Security] fixed issue with using backspace in 2FA view

6.0.108 (60063) - 2024/12/11


  • [Backups] disposing skipped cluster commands to avoid increased memory consumption during restore
  • [Backups] fixed issue with incorrect operation ID being returned when 'StartBackupOperation' is called while backup is already running
  • [Certificates] fixed possible NRE when /whoami endpoint is hit with invalid cert
  • [Certificates] added an option to validate trusted issuers certificate SAN's via 'Security.WellKnownIssuers.Admin.ValidateCertificateNames' configuration option
  • [Certificates] avoiding possible text injection to the auth-error page
  • [Corax] fixed issue with order by long retuning incorrect results in some cases
  • [Cluster] removing cluster transaction error notification after cluster transaction applier resumes work
  • [Http] server will now use HttpClientFactory to maintain connectivity and handle DNS changes
  • [Indexes] fixed 'NotSupportedException' when deleting index entries in Time-Series Map-Reduce indexes
  • [Indexes] fixed issue with long running batches in indexes with a lot of references
  • [Licensing] fixed issue with license limitations not being properly applied on server startup if cluster is still booting
  • [Linux] displaying thread names on Threads View
  • [Prometheus] exposed 'AvailableMemoryForProcessingInMb', 'ManagedMemoryInBytes' and 'UnmanagedMemoryInBytes' metrics
  • [Replication] properly handle idle databases with sink and hub replication tasks
  • [Storage] improved the performance of getting free pages count
  • [Storage] optimized free space search performance
  • [Time Series] fixed possible issue with retention stop working and not resuming
  • [.NET] updated to .NET 8.0.11


  • [Cluster Dashboard] added GC widget
  • [Cluster Dashboard] exposed average request time
  • [Cluster Debug] introduced new view
  • [Expiration & Refresh] add an option to specify max items to process in a single expiration and refresh run

6.0.107 (60060) - 2024/10/30


  • [Backup] fixed possible high unmanaged memory during import of large amount of compare exchange values
  • [Backup] fixed possible NRE when Backup Retention Policy is running
  • [Backup] fixed issue with database not being deleted when restore is cancelled
  • [Backup] properly setting idle database timer if next activity time is null
  • [Certificates] optimized certificate replacement mechanism to avoid re-issuing a new certificate when it was correctly generated but cluster was down during the save process
  • [Corax] adjusting Corax's search to match Lucene's search method
  • [Corax] fixing sorting edge case in Corax where all matches have been found already so there is no need to fallback to normal sorting (which expected to get non empty batch of results)
  • [Corax] empty strings have to be projected as EMPTY_STRING instead of \u0003 when Facets are used
  • [Cluster] fixed issue with modifying a document by a non-cluster session after it was created in a cluster-wide transaction
  • [Cluster] stability fixes
  • [Indexes] deleting time series directly should update index entries correctly
  • [Linux] switched from /smaps to /smaps_rollup which decreases number of kernel locks especially on high memory systems
  • [Monitoring] exposed 'Number of indexing errors in all loaded databases' in SNMP
  • [Replication] removing incoming and outgoing replication handlers on change correctly
  • [Replication] fixed issue with replicating tombstones from artificial documents
  • [Revisions] will throw document ID too big exception when change vector is too long
  • [.NET] updated to 8.0.10


  • [Cluster] added Cluster Debug View
  • [ETL] added deprecate warning message when 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient' is used

Client API

  • [Session] fixed InvalidOperationException that would be thrown if ConditionalLoadAsync is called in the same session as LoadAsync

6.0.106 (60052) - 2024/09/17


  • [Audit] added audit log to the database configuration changes
  • [Audit] added revision setting changes to the audit log
  • [Backup] fixed issue with backup not waking up immediately the database when 'UpdateResponsibleNodeForTasksCommand' command is executed
  • [Backup] properly restoring Refresh, Integrations and RevisionsForConflicts configuration during the restore process
  • [Backup] fixed issue with restoring DatArchival and QueueSink configurations
  • [Backup] fixed issue with backup restore cancellation not working
  • [Backup] import properly checks for license restrictions
  • [Backup] fixed backup timer calculations
  • [Cluster] fixed issue with not all databases waking up when server starts to calculate heal and backup status due to concurrent database load timeout
  • [Cluster] redirecting to leader PutDatabaseCommand
  • [Cluster] added more grace time before moving node into rehab for nodes that are lagging behind to avoid constant topology changes
  • [Cluster] fixed potential issue of Heartbeat spam when CPU credits are low on CPU bounded instances like T3 family in AWS
  • [Cluster] stabilized the behavior of cluster
  • [Changes] fixed issue with concurrent usage of AggresiveCache notification which could end up in sending incorrect notification JSON and not refreshing client-side aggressive cache
  • [Cluster Transaction] fixed possible race with creation of document with atomic guard and not getting concurrency exception
  • [Corax] fixed incorrect results wen performing And operation on MultiUnaryMatch
  • [Corax] increased facets performance for simple aggregations
  • [Corax] implemented SortUsingIndex for MultiSortMatch to increase performance
  • [Corax] increased alphanumerical sorting performance
  • [Corax] fixed unexpected index errors on complex fields after side-by-side indexing
  • [Corax] fixed issue with concurrent access to LuceneAnalyzerAdapter in Corax
  • [Corax] Fix querying documents with missing fields when there is order by and no where statement
  • [Debug] added the ability to log internal .NET events to the log
  • [Indexes] more strict parsing of TimeSpan to avoid false positives when strings containing timespans are passed to the index
  • [Indexes] skip deleting a document entry for new indexes to avoid unnecessary work
  • [Indexes] fixed issue with extraction of group by field name for additional expression types
  • [JavaScript] updated Jint to 3.1.6 to resolve issue with custom reference resolvers not handling properly unresolvable references due to Jint bug
  • [JSON] fixed possible JSON corruption due to reading native memory and HttpClient handling serialization tasks in some cases in the background without waiting for them to complete when HTTP/2 is used
  • [Http] fixed possible ArgumentException when HTTP/2 is used and we are establishing a connection
  • [Monitoring] fixed number of threads returned via SNMP for Windows instances
  • [Notifications] introduced max queue size for the notifications that are sent to the Studio
  • [Querying] fixed issue with parameters not being added to high latency query alerts
  • [Replication] fixed leak of SINK tags in Hub/Sink Replication when Sink Task is defined
  • [Replication] fixed issue with SINK tags not being restored as TRXN when getting the document back from the replication
  • [Replication] fixed issue with Pull Replication not connecting properly when 2+ Sinks have the same database name
  • [Revisions] fixed issue with making revisions orphaned after executing revert revision without configuration
  • [Subscriptions] fixed issue with not taking into account if subscription is disabled or not when updating the subscription
  • [Subscriptions] fixed memory leak in Subscription when revisions are being processed and we do a lot of skip operations
  • [Subscriptions] fixed issue with filtering 'current == null' when subscription on revisions is used
  • [Threads] implemented cleanup mechanism for built-in PoolOfThreads to avoid having a lot of threads in the pool that hold the memory
  • [Traffic Watch] fixed NRE caused by opened Traffic Watch on /docs endpoint
  • [.NET] updated to .NET 8.0.8

Client API

  • [Documentation] documented more interfaces and classes
  • [Indexes] fixed issue with IndexCreation.CreateIndexes ignoring SearchEngineType property
  • [Indexes] fixed index syntax creation for ListInitExpression
  • [JSON] fixed possible JSON corruption due to reading native memory and HttpClient handling serialization tasks in some cases in the background without waiting for them to complete when HTTP/2 is used
  • [Subscriptions] properly registering missing Ids in subscription session
  • [NuGet] added ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true to the CI when package is being built


  • [Create Database] style and behavior adjustments
  • [Indexes] exposed the ability to convert auto indexes to static
  • [What's New] introduced to the Menu and About page


  • [Licensing] added configuration options in TestServerOptions to pass license and license related properties in a more easy manner with the ability to throw if no license is provided or license is invalid

6.0.105 (60039) - 2024/07/23


  • [Backup] Fixed an issue with the backup running on UTC instead of server's local time
  • [Backup] Allowed to backup all shards of the same database concurrently
  • [Backup] Fixed the cancellation of a backup
  • [Backup/Import/Export] Handling the export and import of time series deleted ranges
  • [Backup/Import/Export] Fixed an potential race condition issue with applying commands during import / export
  • [Compression] Fixed a potential issue with stats of a collection when compression was turned on/off during large import
  • [Containers] Set HTTPs scheme in Docker automatically if cert options were passed
  • [Containers] Publishing Docker multi-arch images
  • [Corax] Fixed an issue with updating query statistics
  • [Corax] Fixed implementation of dynamic fields in JS indexes
  • [Corax] Fixed take and skip parameters handling in MoreLikeThis queries
  • [Corax] Fixed in and all in queries with null parameter
  • [Corax] Fixed error handling during indexing
  • [Corax] Fixed ordering by multiple fields
  • [Databases] Fixed an issue with databases loading if there was an inconsistent casing
  • [ETL] Replaced deprecated System.Data.SqlClient dependency with Microsoft.Data.SqlClient (existing connection strings will default to Encrypt=Optional option which is mandatory since version 5.0 of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient to ensure backward compatibility)
  • [Expiration/Refresh] Improved size calculation of expiration/refresh commands so it will reduce the memory usage
  • [Import] Allowed to import a disabled configuration of the revisions
  • [Indexing] Improved memory usage of loaded documents that are compressed
  • [Indexing] Fixed the hash of query results after resetting an index
  • [Indexing] Rollback indexing for a document where exception happened during indexing/mapping in case of fanout index
  • [JS Admin] Added ability to use internal operation contexts to execute some emergency operations
  • [Logging] Audit log improvements
  • [Monitoring] Added ability to monitor number of ongoing tasks via SNMP
  • [Monitoring] Exposed Monitor.LockContentionCount via SNMP
  • [Monitoring] Added MIB generator for easy integration with SNMP monitoring tools
  • [Setup] Fixed regression issue with RavenDB deb package dependencies
  • [Setup] Added Ubuntu Deb Packages distribution for Ubuntu 24.04 and dropped distribution for Ubuntu 18.04
  • [Patching] Fixed and issue with patching a document metadata
  • [Replication] Fixed issue that WaitForReplicationAfterSaveChanges() didn't account itself to calculate majority
  • [Server] Added -i | --info switch to Raven.Server
  • [Sharding] Implemented a backoff strategy for failed resharding attempt
  • [Subscriptions] Throwing less SubscriptionDoesNotBelongToNodeException on unstable cluster
  • [.NET] Updated to .NET 8.0.7


  • [Querying] Implemented LongCountLazily and LongCountLazilyAsync
  • [Patching] Fixed consistency of serialization of enums between storing and patching (SaveEnumsAsIntegersForPatching convention was added)


  • Added navigation buttons to Revisions Compare view
  • Fixed and issue with the export visible columns to CSV - studio did not include @id
  • Fixed NRE on the Indexes view related to referenced collections
  • Fixed an issue with showing Insufficient security clearance while it's not true
  • Making the date of index creation consistent on Index view
  • Better copying of subscription errors
  • Fixed the button on Admin JS Console view
  • Added ability to export query results to JSON directly
  • Fixed all documents deletion
