Configure Conflict Revisions Operation

  • By default, RavenDB creates revisions for conflict documents for all collections
    when conflicts occur and when they are resolved.

  • Use ConfigureRevisionsForConflictsOperation to disable the feature or modify the configuration.

  • If you define default configuration,
    then these settings will override the conflict revisions configuration.

  • If you define any collection-specific configuration,
    then these settings will also override the conflict revisions configuration for that collection.

    • E.g., if the conflict revisions configuration defines that revisions created for conflicting documents will not be purged, but a collection-specific configuration defines an age limit for revisions,
      revisions for conflicting documents of this collection that exceed this age will be purged.
  • In this page:

Configure revisions for conflicts - Example

// Define the settings that will apply for conflict revisions (for all collections)
var conflictRevConfig = new RevisionsCollectionConfiguration
    PurgeOnDelete = true,
    MinimumRevisionAgeToKeep = new TimeSpan(days: 45, 0, 0, 0)
    // With this configuration:
    // ------------------------
    // * A revision will be created for conflict documents
    // * When the parent document is deleted all its revisions will be removed.
    // * Revisions that exceed 45 days will be removed on next revision creation.

// Define the configure conflict revisions operation, pass the configuration
var configureConflictRevisionsOp = 
    new ConfigureRevisionsForConflictsOperation(documentStore.Database, conflictRevConfig);

// Execute the operation by passing it to Maintenance.Server.Send
// The existing conflict revisions configuration will be replaced by the configuration passed
// Define the settings that will apply for conflict revisions (for all collections)
var conflictRevConfig = new RevisionsCollectionConfiguration
    PurgeOnDelete = true,
    MinimumRevisionAgeToKeep = new TimeSpan(days: 45, 0, 0, 0)
    // With this configuration:
    // ------------------------
    // * A revision will be created for conflict documents
    // * When the parent document is deleted all its revisions will be removed.
    // * Revisions that exceed 45 days will be removed on next revision creation.

// Define the configure conflict revisions operation, pass the configuration
var configureConflictRevisionsOp = 
    new ConfigureRevisionsForConflictsOperation(documentStore.Database, conflictRevConfig);

// Execute the operation by passing it to Maintenance.Server.Send
// The existing conflict revisions configuration will be replaced by the configuration passed
await documentStore.Maintenance.Server.SendAsync(configureConflictRevisionsOp);


public ConfigureRevisionsForConflictsOperation(string database, RevisionsCollectionConfiguration configuration)
Parameter Type Description
database string The name of the database whose conflict revisions you want to manage
configuration RevisionsCollectionConfiguration The conflict revisions configuration to apply

public class RevisionsCollectionConfiguration
    public long? MinimumRevisionsToKeep { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan? MinimumRevisionAgeToKeep { get; set; }
    public long? MaximumRevisionsToDeleteUponDocumentUpdate { get; set; }
    public bool PurgeOnDelete { get; set; }
    public bool Disabled { get; set; }
  • See properties explanation and default values here.

Storage consideration

Automatic creation of conflict revisions can help track document conflicts and understand their reasons.
However, it can also lead to a significant increase in the database size if many conflicts occur unexpectedly.

  • Consider limiting the number of conflict revisions kept per document using:
    MinimumRevisionsToKeep and/or MinimumRevisionAgeToKeep.

  • Revisions are purged upon modification of their parent documents.
    If you want to purge a large number of revisions at once, you can cautiously enforce configuration.