Sharding: Import and Export

  • Smuggler is a RavenDB interface with which data can be exported from a database into a dump file and imported from a dump file into a database.
    Learn to use Smuggler here.

  • Smuggler is operated using the same API when the database is sharded and when it isn't, and the same set of features is available in both cases.
    E.g., a transform script can be used to filter and structure the transferred data when the database is sharded and when it is non-sharded.

  • Studio can also be used to export and import data from and to a sharded database, the same way it is done with a non-sharded database.
    Behind the scenes, Studio uses Smuggler to perform these operations.

  • In this page:


When smuggler is called to export a sharded database:

  • The client sends an export request to the orchestrator.
  • The orchestrator forwards the request to all other shards.
  • All shards stream their data to the client machine, where the data is gathered in a single .ravendbdump file.

    The amount of time it takes to complete the export process depends upon factors like shards' databases sizes, network performance, and the user-defined transform script.

See a code example here.

Casting Smuggler Results

In a sharded database, results are returned by Smuggler, Import, and Export in a ShardedSmugglerResult type. This type is specific to a sharded database, and casting it using a non-sharded type will fail.


Smuggler can be used to import data into a database from either a .ravendbdump file or from backup files (full or incremental).

When data is imported into a sharded database one of the shard nodes is appointed orchestrator; the orchestrator retrieves items from the .ravendbdump or backup files, gathers the imported items into batches, and distributes them among the shards.

Importing data from a .ravendbdump file

There are no preliminary requirements regarding the structure or contents of the database the data is imported to.

  • The data can be imported into a long-existing database, as well as into a database just created.
  • The data can be imported into both sharded and non-sharded databases.
    In both cases, the data will be retrieved into the database from a local .ravendbdump file.
  • If the database is sharded, the imported data will be distributed among the shards.
    In case the shard has several nodes, each shard database will be replicated to all the nodes of this shard.

See a code example here.

Casting Smuggler Results

In a sharded database, results are returned by Smuggler, Import, and Export in a ShardedSmugglerResult type. This type is specific to a sharded database, and casting it using a non-sharded type will fail.

Importing data from backup files

  • Backup files are given an extension that reflects the backup type.
    A full-backup file, for example, will be given a .ravendb-full-backup extension.
    Regardless of the extension, the internal structure of backup files is similar to that of .ravendbdump files.
    It is therefore possible to import backup files.
  • Unlike the restore operation, which creates a new database from the backup files, importing a backup file adds the imported data to data already stored in the database.
  • Import can be helpful in the following cases, among others:
    • a backup created for a non-sharded database can be imported into a sharded database.
      This allows the migration of data from a non-sharded database to a sharded one.
    • When a sharded database is backed up, each shard creates a backup of its own database. If you want to split the sharded database into multiple databases, you can simply import the backup of each shard into a newly created (sharded or not) database.

Incremental backups contain only the changes that have been made in the database since the last full backup.
Import the full backup first, and then the incremental backups that complement it.

Export and Import Options Summary

Option Available on a Sharded Database Comment
Export and Import .ravendbdump files using Smuggler Yes Smuggler behaves just like it does on non-sharded databases.
Export and import sharded database data using Studio Yes Behind the scenes, Studio uses Smuggler.
Export to client machine Yes
Export to local shard node storage No
Export to remote locations like S3, Azure, or Google Cloud No
Import from a .ravendbdump file Yes An orchestrator is appointed to distribute the data among the shards.
Import from Backup files Yes Importing data from a backup file does not create a new database like running the restore process over the backup file would, but adds the data to the existing database by distributing it among the shards.
Import from Full backup files Yes
Import from Incremental backup files Yes